"A place. A place where I can find peace." Nene said calmly, Hanako smiled and handed her his hand again.

"Then. Come with me. To a place where you can find peace." He kiss her cheek.

Nene froze and blushed. She put her hand where he kissed her. Why did he do that all of a sudden?

"Relax. I kissed your cheek to make you fly, and you didn't even notice that you're floating right now." He explained. Nene looked down and he was right, she was levitating. Nene lose her balance by flying and tried to float properly.

"Now, let's go?" Hanako drag Nene. But stopped when she was resisting. Hanako was confused, wasn't her wish to take her to a place who known as peace?

"I'm scared, I'm scared that..." Nene pause for a moment. She was shaking uncontrollably, making Hanako worried.

"It's okay, you wanted to be happy a right? I can see by the scars in you're wrist that you have been cutting yourself." The boy hugged Nene and patting her head. Nene had calm down now and was ready to go.

"Now, let's go?" Hanako asked, and Nene nodded. With that, they flew away together right into the moon.


The end.


This whole time, Nene was closing her eyes, afraid of what might happen to her during their flew. While Hanako was holding her tightly to his chest.

"Cmon, I put a charm on you to make you fly. Instead, you're just gonna stay there on my chest?" Hanako scoffs, and the girl wondered:

Is it safe? Is he gonna guide me? I'll just have to let go. Nene tried to let go of him. And Hanako wasn't letting her go.

"Hey. Let me go. I can do this." Nene reassured, but he didn't even let go. He was holding her tightly.

"Nah, I like you being on my chest. You're warm." Even though Hanako wasn't her type. He still makes her feel flattered, being with him and Nene made her feel like, she was in a different world.

"We're here." Hanako said while landing Nene to an Island. The sand was soft and was suited for Nene to sleep there.

"This is what you wish for right? A place where you can feel peace." The boy explained, then smirk.

The girl then looked around. It was very beautiful, the sea was shining and mermaids were greeting her from the distance. The Island was small but she didn't mind it.

"What's your name?" Hanako asked, leaning down close to her face. But, she quickly backed away.

"I'm Yashiro Nene." She said, sitting down on the sand.

"Hmm, do you want a tour around the Island?" Hanako asked once again. And Nene nodded. Hanako handed his hand to gets and Nene gladly took it.


After the tour, it was already evening. But in the real world, Nene already knew that it was still nighttime. In this world, you can feel like you've been there for hours. But in the real world, it's just minutes.

Hanako and Nene were in the other side of the Island, making campfires and sat on a log.

"Y'know Yashiro, I was once like you." Hanako said, looking at the sea.
"What do you mean?" She asked, raising a brow.

"Thinking about the real world, about how cruel humankind is." Hanako reassured.

"But..." He continued.

"Sometimes you just gotta accept reality, whether it's bad or not. You just have to keep on living." Hanako smiled, a warm smile that Nene feel like she should protect it.

"Why...are you telling me this..?" She mumbled, loud enough for Hanako to hear her.

"Because, I've been watching you last week. And I know what I had to do. I'll give you advice about life, so you can accept reality. Live a happy life." He's right, even though this world is not one of those fantasy books that you can get whatever you want. It's about living like other people.

She had thought about it. And you can always start over. And over again, even though it is really hard, you just have to keep on walking, until you have reached to success.

"I have thought about it, I want to go back." Said Nene, Hanako got up and pick up Nene on his back.

"Kay, your wish is my command."


Nene gasped as she is now awake in her bed. She was sweating, and for a few seconds, she had now calm down.

Then, she remembered.

"Even though life is really hard, you just have to keep on living." It hit her. It's like, Hanako was actually talking to her.

"Maybe it was just a dream. But, that sentence Hanako-kun gave me, it really made me happy." And after that, Nene had live happily.

While Hanako was happily watching her from above.


Eh, surprise? Just wanted to let you know, Peter Pan inspired me his story. (Even though he kidnap kids and kill them when they wanna grow up ;-;)

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