Chapter 44: Plastics and Stoves

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Bambi POV

I open the pill bottle of my anxiety pills and I put one in my mouth before washing it down with water. I go to use the bathroom and I catch my reflection. I wipe the tears that fall down my cheek and go and use the toilet like I wanted.

I go to wipe myself and I roll my eyes, I'm on my fucking period. And I was wearing my favorite lace underwear! 

I grab my towel heading for my shower and cleaning myself off. I change into new clothes and I grab my phone. Turning it on, and I'm introduced with my screensaver of Rayelle.

I can't believe I let myself get played myself. It's crazy how I fought so hard for something that didn't even exist, what was she even doing here in the first place? Yeah, I had a habit of falling fast, but this one was different.

I don't know, was I falling in love? So many questions that I will never get answers to. I quickly deleted the pictures of her from my phone, my dumbass had an entire album dedicated to her. I change my screensaver back to me and Emilia.

I put my phone on my charger and of course I'm craving Takis. I swear to you I get from Mom, if she hasn't eaten all of it. I walk downstairs and I open the cabinet taking the bag of Takis and grabbing a bowl and a spoon. I place them all down and open the freezer pulling out ice cream. 

I open it and grab my spoon to get a big scoop but it doesn't work. I stab the Ice Cream with my spoon but still, it doesn't work. I let out a groan and an idea pops into my head. I turn the stove on and when I go to put the ice cream on top. 

I hear, "Hey! Don't do that!" I'm startled, causing me to drop the ice cream on the ground. I look at whoever it was and it's Naya. "What were you about to do?" Naya helps me with the ice cream.

"Put the ice cream on top of the stove?" I say not too sure of my answer.

"Did that make sense? To put plastic on the stove?"

"Well, when you put it like that, no," I look at her. "Plus, it wasn't working, it's too fucking hard, I tried stabbing it with my spoon, and I'm really craving it and if I wait for it to melt, it'll taste disgusting, the idea just popped into m-" I'm shushed by Naya. 

"There's another can." She shows me. "Oh." I look and reach and smile when I grab it. I put the broken ice cream back, and close the freezer. I grab my Takis, my spoon, and my ice cream running back to my room not forgetting to thank Naya.

I close the door behind me after I get into my room. I set my things down and I switch my LED lights to a deep red color and I go on Netflix on my laptop, I don't care how hungry I am, I won't eat until I find something to watch.

I find a show called Atypical and press on it. I open my bag of Takis, and get my ice cream in handy. 


It's been 10 ten hours, and I finished all of my Ice cream and my Takis. I'm vibing to Doja Cat's song So High as I stare out of the window. I hear a knock on my door and I go and open it. 

"Hey." Aunt Clauds greets me. "Hey, what's up?" I let her in my room. 

"You're definitely in a mood." She refers to the messy room, and blasting music. I turn the music off and shrug her off, "I'm tired anyway."

"It's getting pretty late, so it would make sense to go to sleep now." She says. 

"But seriously, are you okay?"

"I want that bitch dead."

"Okay, that's definitely an answer for starters." Aunt Clauds laugh. "But I came here to talk to you about your mother Mariana."

"Is there something wrong?" I ask. "No, I just have a few questions about her."


"Have you noticed a change in her eye color around you?"

"Uh no, we all don't have the same eye color. Hades has her brown eyes, me and Jayden has Mom's eyes and Emilia's eyes are green." I explain. "Why are you asking?"

"Billie told me Mariana was talking about something to do with brain control and it makes sense because of the technology we have nowadays. But it wouldn't make sense for someone to control her brain, so my guess is it's something else."

"What if Rayelle's controlling her brain?" I ask. 

"What kind of bullshit did you just say?" Clauds looks at me in confusion. "Rayelle wanted to kill Mom, but since she couldn't get to her, she brainwashed the person closest to Mom which is Ma to do the job for her."

"Damn it, I forgot how smart you were."

"Well, I don't mean to brag, but I'm kind of a genius." I mutter. "We'll interrogate Rayelle and search her premises for anything suspicious. We also have to find her brother, he's hiding his location."

The Next Day

Mariana POV

I was sitting in the infirmary bed and Billie was sitting near me with her head down on the bed. "What's wrong?" I scratch her head and she mutters nothing. "It looks like someone didn't have their coffee." Claudia walks into the room.

"I had my coffee." Billie picked her head up placing her hand on my bare thigh. "I want a burrito but I couldn't because someone forced me to come here with them." Billie's eyes land on me.

"Fine, you can go get the burrito if you want." I tell her. "Thank you!" Billie exaggerates. "Get up from that chair, we're gonna have another cleaver situation." I threaten her and she rolls her eyes but stays in her seat.

"There it is again." Claudia says. "What's there?" I ask as she looks at my face closely. "You said something about brain control and Bambi thought maybe Rayelle had control over your brain trying to get you to kill Billie for her, but it didn't explain the slight eye color change when you get angry or snap at someone."

"What are you trying to say?" Billie asked gripping my thigh softly, a habit I noticed she's developed when she's worried about me.

"Mariana has dissociative identity disorder."

"What the flying fuck is that?" Billie tilts her head.

"Multiple personalities."

Hey y'all.... :) At this point, I'm the queen of plot twists, like I have to be.

I will be updating this book every WEDNESDAY and SUNDAY, I decided to make it two times a week because this book is my most popular book on my page so this book gets more updates during the week. YA WELCOME.

If you're reading any of my other books, I will let you what day I update on that book.

Other than that, cya on Sunday babies.

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