"Take what you need for now. I'll go visit Esteros tomorrow to personally address more of the people's needs", I said and she bowed in agreement.

"Thank you, everyone. That's all for today. You may take your leave", I said and they all bowed to me. Everyone began to stand and disperse from the meeting room.

I remained in my seat and so did Lady Beatrice. I watched Aunt Helga approach me with a warm smile. I suppose she has recovered from my outburst yesterday.

"Thank you for considering this", she said. I gave her a small smile and nodded.

"Sorry for my behavior yesterday", I apologized.

"I don't blame you, sweetheart. I'd lie if I say I did not expect you to react that way. But atleast you've thought this through"

"Yeah, Fred did his magic", I said as I relaxed in my seat.

She laughed lightly, "Anyway, Hailey was rushed to hospital last night. We might finally meet little Zander sometime today", she said and my eyes lit up.

Hailey, her daughter, was two years older than me. She got married to a Mayor's son about a year ago and now, they were about to have their first born son.

"Oh that's great! I wish I could be there. Tell her I wish her the best of luck", I said. I really do wish I could be there to support her when she welcomes little Zander, but I have tons of work piled up for me today.

Aunt Helga smiled at me, "I'll send you a picture when he comes. But promise me you won't miss the Christening"

I laughed guiltily, "I'll save the date as soon as it is set"

She smiled at me once more and lightly squeezed my shoulder before walking away, closing the door behind her. I turned from her direction and faced Lady Beatrice who was looking at me proudly.

"What?", I asked.

"I knew you would come around", she said.

"Thank your husband for that"

"That may be so. But I know you, Sera.  Behind that warrior hides a lady that also longs for love. I hope and pray that you find a suitable man for you because I want nothing more than to see you happy for the rest of your life", she reached for my hand and squeezed it.

"Thanks", I smiled at her.

"Anyway, shove the romance aside. You have work to do. Off to the dressing room, your fitting is waiting for you", and with that, she shoved me out of the door.


I watched myself in the mirror with one raised eyebrow. Don't get me wrong, this gown is absolutely beautiful but it gave the impression that I wasn't going to my birthday celebration.

"Is it my birthday or am I getting married?", I turned towards Lydia, my designer.

"Don't fret on it yet, this is only just the shape. We'll be adding more elements to that, including a sleeve because of that ugly thing", she pointed my bandaged shoulder.

"Hey! Don't insult the battle scars. They are my pride"

"Yes, some lace would be good. Go get some", she instructed one of her assistants as if she didn't hear a word I said.

"Your Highness?", my annoyance was interrupted by a knock on the door.

I told Lydia to let the man in and she walked over to open the door. A guard came striding in and I recognized him immediately. I watched him playfully through his reflection on the huge mirror in front of me. He was wearing a casual white shirt which I loved on him.

"Looking good, handsome", I wiggled my eyebrows and he smirked as he watched my reflection.

"As a bride, you don't look so bad yourself, your majesty", he grinned through muffled laughter.

I scoffed and gave Lydia a "told you" look which she so gladly ignored.

"To what do I owe the pleasure, dear friend?", I said sarcastically.

He held up a white envelope in his hands and waved it in the air. "This came in just now, it's addressed to you. Might wanna read it in private though"

I took the luxurious envelope from his outstretched hand and the first thing I noticed was the emblem on wax seal. My expression turned serious and my eyebrows furrowed.

"What do they want now?", I uttered. Alexander said nothing. He shrugged lightly and bowed before walking the door.

As soon as I got to my room, I walked over to the balcony where I was instantly welcomed by the cool breeze. I grabbed the envelope from the pocket of my dress and scanned the emblem once again in case I was mistaken the first time, but no, it was what it was: the emblem of the Kingdom of Solaris, the reason for all the attacks in my kingdom.

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