Chapter 1

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The sound of trumpets echoed in my ears as we neared the city. I can hear the people's cheers even from afar. I can't help but curl my lips into a small smile as I watched the rejoicing faces of my people. Although I should rejoice like everyone else, I cannot help but feel anxious. I felt a hand on my shoulder making me avert my eyes towards the owner.

"What's troubling you?", Alexander, the Captain of the soldiers, spoke in a comforting tone.

Alexander has always been my partner in everything. He has been with me since from the very beginning. He fought countless battles with me, none of which we've lost.

"Three attacks in a month. This is getting out of hand, Alex", I spoke.

"We won today, Sera. That's all that matters for now. Smile, your people will want to see that"

He gave me a soft smile before turning his attention back to driving. I let out a breath before plastering a smile back into my face. I watched as the crowd of people circled around our vehicle. The people in the front lines have expressions a little different from the ones at the back. They look just as anxious as I am and judging from that, I'm guessing these are the families of my soldiers. My worried smile turned into a real one as relief made its way into my mind.

That's right. We did not lose any men today, this families have nothing to weep about. I assured myself.

Our truck came to halt in the Quadrangle and everyone began to jump out. I watched as my men embraced their families and loved ones. The look of pure joy in their faces to see their sons or lovers still alive from a battle. I watched the emotional reunions sorrounding me and I can't help but wonder what it would feel like to have parents embrace you as you come home from a war.

I shook the thought away and turned my eyes outside the window beside me. There, a little girl about the age of 8 stood with a sign on her hands.

Welcome back, Your Highness, it said. I pushed the door and as soon as I stepped out, the people erupted into an even louder cheer.

I felt the anxiety completely leave my bones and my smile grew even bigger. This is the prize I treasure the most. No money nor any treasure can be more rewarding than to see my people happy and unharmed.

I waved to them and shook their hands, even took pictures with those who wanted. I walked over to the little girl with the sign and gave her my most gentle smile. I sat down to match her height and she smiled at me.

"Hello there", I said.

Her long blonde hair and innocent face shyed away from me for a seconds before smiling again.

"Welcome home, your highness", she said with a voice so tender I felt like she would break.

"Thank you. What's your name?", I asked.

"Diana, your majesty", she said as her hands lifted from the sign she was holding. She reached out to touch my hair which surprised me a bit.

"Your hair is so beautiful", she uttered, eyes filled with pure admiration. It warmed my heart.

"Thank you, Diana. You have beautiful hair too"

"When I grow up, I want to be just like you", she said, her eyes cheerfully lighting up.

"Your majesty? It's time to go", Alexander's voice interrupted from behind me. I turned to him and he nodded. I turned back to Diana and smiled at her.

"When you grow up, I don't want you to be like me. I want you to be exactly who you are as long you remain kind and brave, okay?", I patted her head as I said so.

She smiled even brighter and nodded enthusiastically. I reached out to her face and kissed her forehead before standing up. I looked at the couple in front of me. The woman's eyes was exactly like the bright blue ones Diana had.

"You have a sweet little girl", I told them and they bowed to me. I returned their bow before turning back. I walked with Alexander towards the black car parked nearby. There were guards and nurses lined up infront of the car and as soon as I was in sight, the hurriedly ran to me and attempted to aid me but I raised a hand to stop them.

"Thanky you but I'm completely fine. Please tend to my injured men", I said.

"But your highness–", Kendra, the head nurse, protested but I shook my head.

"To the injured soldiers, Kendra. That's an order", she opened her mouth to protest but she let out a sigh and told them all to go to the truck where the injured were.

"You should have atleast let them fix your shoulder", a strict, yet gentle voice spoke from behind me and I turned to see Lady Beatrice.

Lady Beatrice is my private teacher and also, kind of my godmother. She and her husband were the closest people I could call "parents".

"You'd do it for me, won't you?", I flashed her an innocent smile making her sigh.

"Inside", she nodded towards the car and I quickly got in. Alexander circled towards the front and sat beside the driver. Lady Beatrice sat down beside me and pulled out a first-aid kit from the bag she was carrying.

"What am I going to do with you?", she shrugged her head as she observed my wound, which I wrapped with a piece of cloth to prevent losing too much blood.

I winced in pain as she began to remove the cloth. I heard her let out a small gasp after removing it completely. Well, yes I do admit it's kindda bad this time.

"I can't dodge bullets, Beatrice. And it's not as bad as it looks. I mean look at me, I'm completely fine", I defended.

"You're fine for now. But how much longer will your luck last? You are the only one we have and there you go throwing yourself in front of bullets!"

"Don't scold me. It's making you age faster", I said as I playfully pointed the wrinkles on her forehead. She lightly slapped my hand away and looked at me with her strict face.

"I will continue to age faster if you don't stop risking your life like this. You are brave,you can protect your kingdom and you have proven that beautifully. But what happens to this country if one day, God forbid, the soldiers come home carrying your corps? What are we to do then?", she lightly squeezed my hands in her worry.

"That's never going to happen", I assured her.

"You cannot say that unless you prove to me that you are immortal– which you're clearly not"

I sighed, "We are not having this conversation. I'm tired, I would like to take my rest"

"You cannot avoid this conversation any longer, young lady. The Mayors and Advisers, me included, have planned on something. You will know when we get to the palace", she said making my head shot up.

"What? What is it now? What could you have possibly decided on without me?", I sat up and immediately regretted doing so when I felt extreme pain from my injured shoulder. Beatrice had began to clean my wound and I was too tired to even notice until I moved.

"Ouch", I uttered and sank back into my seat.

"You will know when we get to the palace", she eyed me with strict eyes once again before attending back to my wound.

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