"Don't worry, it's nothing bad." Keegan smirks slightly, something he hardly ever does, and when he does smirk, usually he's up to something.

Please don't be handcuffs. Please don't be handcuffs.

He pulls out the largest box first, staring at it. "These boxes don't look old. Are there stores still open?"

Keegan clears his throat, and adjusts his position. "I promise you this is nothing shady, but I know a few people who kept things from before, well preserved."

Logan audibly gulps. "No black market shit, right?"

Keegan shakes his head. "I'm not an idiot."

Logan chuckles. "I know that, it's just...." He stops talking when he sees what's inside.



"Is that.... Is that what I think it is?"

Keegan leans forward, setting his arms on the table. "Depends on what you think it is."

Logan looks down at the deep red toy before him. "You got me, a vibrator?"


Logan looks up, meeting Keegan's bright blue eyes. "I never really pegged you for a toy kind of guy."

Keegan nods his head. "As I said Logan, it's a surprise for you. I wanted to try something. I want.." he takes Logan's hand, trying to pull the man's focus back to him. "I want to make you feel good."

Logan nods his head slowly, returning to the bag to pull out the smaller bag and box.

The bag is for the toy, he assumes, and whatever is in the smaller box.

He opens it, snorting at the bottle of lube. "Fresh lube?"

"I've been struggling to find something to use."

Logan smiles. "Thank you." He pulls the toy out, feeling the smooth surface, and shaking slightly at the idea of it going inside of him. It's a thicker vibrator, just a little bigger than the average.

"It's really nice, actually. Smooth and, and it feels durable."

Keegan pulls a package of batteries from his jacket. "These I found elsewhere."

Logan takes the batteries, and slips them inside, shaking slightly.

"Are you alright?" Logan smiles at the concern in the sniper's voice.

"I uh... I haven't had something like this inside me, since I was younger. I had my own banking account, and so after my sixteenth birthday I went on a site and purchased this rainbow dildo because, it's me, you know, and uh.." he messes with the dial for the strength of the vibrations, humming quietly. "I miss that toy. I enjoyed riding it." He sets it down, face red from his confession. "Lost the fucking thing in the Odin strikes. Perhaps it was for the best though. I can't tell you how many times Hesh or my dad had come home early and almost walked in on me bouncing on a fucking rainbow dick."

Keegan joins in the laughter, and leans back in his chair. "Don't worry Logan, no one is going to walk in on us." He stands, holding out his hand.

Logan takes the toy and lube, following Keegan to his bed.

"You slept in here all day?" Keegan takes the toy and lube, setting them on his nightstand.

Logan nods.

"How about we take a shower first, then, get the days grime off." He slips off his jacket, setting it gently on his dresser.

He looks over, smiling at Logan. "Come here." He holds out his hand, wrapping his fingers around Logan's before guiding him to the bathroom.

Keegan/Logan One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now