F 💖 Priestess x Shy!Enchantress

Start from the beginning

During the course of that week, the more she succeeded the more bitter he became (or more-so than usual). It was all because of grief, but when Patricia had been chaired one too many times, gotten Naib chaired just once, as well as mistakenly stayed at the exit gate waiting to apologise to him when he was trying to wait for the bunker (with a very excited joker on his ass), he was ready to say his piece at the dinner table.

A stomp and a crash of silverware against the table rang across the rather cold and echoing halls of the manor. The Mercenary had stood rather dramatically, an accusative finger pointing directly at the one responsible for his own inner turmoils.
"Keep playing like that and we'll be getting a new replacement pretty quick." He warned the woman who in all seemed rather upset about the sudden attitude from Naib, preparing to get defensive and yet not brave enough to voice it. Eli had even been disturbed to stare up at the soldier next to him, Brooke ruffling her feathers to appear larger, prepared to jump out and protect the poor enchantress if he lay a hand on her. And then there was the usually reserved, gentle priestess Fiona who had not spoken a word to or about the Enchantress and yet was gathering her own courage to try to empathise with the newcomer.

Patricia was just about done with her meal anyway, sending a few silent pleading glances to the others, who remained appalled but did not say anything as they looked up to Naib then back to Patricia. The latter picked up her plate solemnly, she clearly appeared upset and maybe even a little angry, but couldn't muster any comeback and instead dismissed herself with a weak 'excuse me'.

Just as she had walked into the kitchen and shut the door, she once again heard talking from the other room. She recognised the Mercenary's voice clearly grumbling about the Enchantress, not being exactly quiet about his complaints. Patricia quickly placed her plate down and stuck an ear to the door to try to listen in. She wouldn't go out and berate him for the words he was going to say, but she would certainly be thinking of comebacks she should have said in a mock argument in the shower tonight.

Just as Naib seemed to mumble his last few grievances, a voice the enchantress had not yet heard spoke up.
"Naib, the Gods may have taken Martha, but that does not mean you should threaten someone else out of spiteful grief." Naturally the clear and yet smooth voice could only belong to the Priestess, someone Patricia had not really looked into while learning the ropes of the manor. Yet she was more surprised by the fact Fiona had even spoken against the mercenary at all, not really have pegged her to be someone to have the gaul to. Patricia was one to talk though.

Whatever came next was inaudible and Patricia waited it out for a few minutes in the kitchen, feeling an anxious pit in her stomach that made her too nervous and awkward to walk back out into the dining room to retreat to her room. When the sounds of tableware clashing together in a pile alarmed the enchantress, expecting to have to run into Naib in an even more confined space, she panicked and tried rummaging around the kitchen to find a way to create distance from his path. Relief immediately washed over her when she once again heard Fiona's pitched voice.

"You may both go, I'll wash up everything." Her offer was quickly followed by Eli, making sure she was fine with it and when she had given her approval he gave a polite 'thank you', nudging Naib to do the same. He of course gave a reluctant thanks, but it was something. Even if Fiona wasn't a threat, hearing her footsteps still alarmed the quiet Enchantress who seemed to dig her head deeper in the cupboards, too awkward to say anything to the pink haired girl as she entered with a pile of empty plates.

Patricia, as passive aggressive as she may have been mentally, was very bad at communicating her thoughts. Her actions were often awkward, proven in that moment when she kept pretending to search the same cupboard. Fiona would look at her suspiciously whilst cleaning the dishes. Patricia began to panic and eventually lowered her hands, braving turning around to look at the priestess, but was beaten to it when the latter spoke up.
"Are you trying to find something? Would you like some help?" Fiona sounded so earnest and non-threatening, yet her elegance shone through just as always and her direct eye contact with Patricia was oddly reassuring. Still, the question itself sent her into a fumbling mess. "Oh- erm- no, don't worry."

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2021 ⏰

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