Later that night when Cecily had already gone to bed, Albus came to her room and sat down next to her. She looked up from her book. The sad girl was with him as usual, but once again she disappeared before Cecily could say something to her, it was frustrating.
"Everything okay?" She asked. They usually said goodnight downstairs because Albus had work to do.
"Yes. More than okay. I have very good news. And some difficult news as well unfortunately." She tilted her head. "So, your doctor says that you are making great progress and Mum and I are very proud of you. That's the good news." She smiled.
"I'm trying. Mostly for you but also a little bit for me." Cecily took great pride in her little milestones and so did Mina and Albus.
"I know. However, you will have to take a break from your sessions now. I'll explain. Remember how I told you that there will be a court case against your parents and-"
"They aren't my parents. You are." Cecily interrupted him defiantly. She didn't want to be part of that other family anymore.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart. There will be a court case against your birth parents." Albus corrected himself calmly. "In a few weeks, I will go down to London with you. It's taken long to prepare the trial because it will be held in a muggle court, but you are a witch and the accuser, in this case Hogwarts, is magical. However, we have found ways to make sure they get the punishment they deserve. In court, you will have to testify against them. How do you feel about that, love?" Cecily shrugged. She didn't really feel anything except a certain numbness she knew far too well.
"Dunno. I don't want them to get away with it. And I want to know why me and not my sisters. And I want to tell them..." Albus gently stopped her.
"I know that they owe you answers, but you might never get them. We'll see. But do you think you can face them?" If she couldn't, he would find ways to protect her. She was so precious to him.
"Will you be there?" Cecily asked quietly.
"Of course. I won't leave you alone until the day you decide you don't need me anymore." He promised and smiled warmly. "Your old man is going to be there whenever you need him."
"Hmm. But will you be allowed in the room? I'm not sure if I can do it all alone" She suddenly sounded very insecure and young.
"I'll ask. And if you think you can't, you can also give a written statement" Cecily nodded and stared at the wall.
"The day when the baby will be born is going to be the happiest day of your life." She said quietly.
"One of them, why?" Albus replied, he was curious about what was going on in the little girl's head.
"I was just wondering. I don't think my birth parents were very happy when I was born. I know mother didn't really want another baby." Albus looked at Cecily, who was trying to hide her sadness and he started to feel very angry towards her parents. How could they make this, no his poor child suffer like that? He would make them pay for everything they had done to her. However he swallowed his anger, he didn't want to frighten Cecily.
"Sweetheart, I am not supposed to talk about this because nothing is safe yet. But..." Mina would kill him if she found out and he knew if something went wrong, Cecily would be very upset, but he just had to tell her.
"Mina and I are looking to change your long term foster placement into something more permanent, into an adoption. Of course only that's okay with you and if things go well in court but... We are ready." He smiled. Cecily just bit her lip and nodded. They wanted her. They would actively choose her. Wild.
"Then I actually would be your daughter." She whispered, still unable to grasp the full implications of what Albus had told her.
"To our hearts, you already are and have been for quite a while. And you know what? The day you become our daughter in the eyes of the law will be just as happy and precious to me as the day the baby is going to be born." Cecily hugged him, she didn't really have words to express her love for them.
"You know, I think I could get used to calling you dad." She said after a while. "Instead of Pop."
"Whatever makes you happy, pet. Do you have any other questions?" She smiled.
"Will they be punished?"
"I should hope so." He bit his lip. If the court didn't, he would find a way to do it himself.
"And what about the other men who hurt me?" Albus sighed.
"If we find them, yes, they will be punished too, but that won't be easy. But I promise that everyone we have will be punished."
"Okay." She yawned. "But none of this will happen to the baby, will it?"
"Oh no Darling. It's not what normal, loving parents do. What happened to you is abuse and it's not allowed." He explained, still gentle and calm.
"I'll make sure that the baby is safe, always." Her little face was determined.
"We all will, don't you worry." Albus said gently and Cecily shrugged, as she always did. She knew that he had no idea what it was like. She would keep the baby safe herself, no matter the cost.
"I think it's time to sleep now." He said and adjusted her covers.
"Can you tell Mum I said good night?" Cecily didn't have the energy to do it herself.
"Sure." She smiled, he was so kind to her.
"Nighty night, Pop... dad." He beamed with pride, what an honour.
"Nighty night, darling daughter." He gave her a kiss and then left the room.

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