Chapter 39 "Adding it to my collection."

Start from the beginning

Caius grolwed in frustration."Aro! The law claims them!"

Oh, shut up you white bed sheet! We were almost there, then Mr. I-hate - everything- and-Everyone, speaks his mind and we were stuck here longer.

Edward glared at him."How so?" I think my sass is rubbing off on him.

His face twisted in a sinister way. I didn't know whether or not it was suppose to be a smile or he was concintrating on going to the bathroom. He raised his boney finger at Bella, which reminded me of the Grim Reaper. "She knows to much. She's a liability."

Ha! Don't make me laugh Dracula!

"How long is it before she exposes out secrets? How long before she talk?!" By now Caius demanded Aros attention.

Marcus just looked bored out his mind. Although through our visit our eyes have met and he would give me a small, cracked smiles. I knew his feelings for me. He loved me like a daughter but his heart always lied with Aro and the rest of them. Just like how my heart will always lie with Carlisle and the rest of my family. I wouldn't betray them. Ever!

Edward's face was chiseled into a glare, I think, because his eyes became even harder when Caius was talking. "There are humans too in your charade here."

"Yes, but after there purpose is done they will sustain us. Unless you intend on changing her, she is a vulnerability. If not, then only her life is forfeit." None of us moved from our positions. We didn't even move a muscle. "That is it what I thought."

We died and put him in charge?

Felix leaned forward again, eagerly to jump on Bella. Obviously someone missed their dessert.

"Unless," Aro frowned at the recent conversation. "You do intend to give her immortality?"

My brother pursed his lips." And if I do?"

I was completely fine with Bella being human and I was also okay with her being a vampire. I was okay with her being human because she needed more human experienceses in her life. I was also okay with her being a vampire because she needed new experienceses. She needed to live her life fully with Edward. She deserved him and he deserved her. I knew Edward was as hard headed as a sledgehammer about that conversation, but the fact that he was even considering it, put me into shock mode. Unless he was just saying that to get out of here quicker. I didn't exactly mind that either.

"Why, then all of you would be free to go home. But you would have to mean it." Aro warned.

I had heard Bella turn toward Edward. I did not turn my head because of the any hungry eyes thrown our way. "Mean it." Bella whispered. "Please." I knew what that meant. She wanted to go home and I wanted to too.

Alice came forward and held her hand out. Aro all but danced forward to her, grabbed her hand, and bowed his head. Consintrating on whatever he saw. Moments later he snapped his head back up and started to laugh uncontrollably. "That was marvelous! To be able to see what happens in the future before it happens."

"But that will happen." Alice stressed as she waked backwards to where she was before.

As much as I wanted to know what she and Aro saw, I knew not to open my mouth at this particular moment. Whatever it was, it made Edward freeze and cringe at their

"So are we free to go?" Edward asked cautiously.

"Yes, yes, of course!" Aro said other enthusiastically. "But, please do come back!"

Felix groaned at the lack of blood, now that he wasn't going to get Bella's. Edward must have heard something he did not like because he pulled Bella into his side. Felix was always the trouble maker just like Emment.

Aro smiled in Felix's direction. "Do not fret. Heidi will arrive shortly"

Edward cleared his throat to gain Aros attention back. "Prehaps, we should leave earlier then."

"Perhaps. Accidents do happen." Aro stressed. "Demetri, will be your escort. Stay until dark time. We wouldn't want to have any other incidents." He had looked at me and we locked eyes.

Edward chuckled, then he seemed completely serious. "Thank you, Aro. We'll wait below."

As the three of them turned and walked towards the door, I had stood behind and walked forward a little. Aro's eyebrow shot up when I did this movement. I sighed. "That night you came into my village you didn't just let one person live. . . you let two people live. My father. He has been creating. . . trouble for me and my family. I know you and Carlisle are friends. The one thing I ask of you is this; kill him. I don't want him alive and I don't want trouble Aro. I don't know where he is, find him, and do whatever you want to him." Aro just simple smiled but behind him, Caius was smirking. I knew he wanted nothing more to do than to kill a werewolf. That's why I kept Cole a secret.

"Of course, young friend." Aro smiled again.

Voices erupted through the halls and I knew it was the humans. I also knew that Edward, Alice, Bella, and Demitri were already at the elevator waiting for me. I bid my farewells and started to walk threw the doors. "I'll tell Carlisle you said 'hello.' " The humans voices came even closer. I smirked seeing them. "Enjoy." Before I made it all the way down the hall the screams erupted.

All of my family members gave me a small smile. Alice wrapped her arm around my shoulders. "How's your arm?"

I looked up at Demtri and smiled. "Its just another one to add to my collection."

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