Chapter Thirty One

Start from the beginning

"I—What?" Niall freezes, lips parted as he stares wordlessly at Greg, "I-I'm an uncle?"

"Named him after you, actually," Greg says, face flushing as he fishes his phone out of his pocket. He pulls up a picture and holds it out for Niall to see. "His name is Theo James Horan."

Niall can't help the small smile that graces his lips when he sees Theo. He reminds him of how he looked when he was a baby—thin lips, vibrant cerulean eyes, rosy round cheeks.

"He's such a happy kid, laughs all the time. Can see you in him everyday."

Niall just nods, not sure what to really say. He can feel his throat close up, gone tight and thick. He'll be damned if he starts crying, he thinks, blinking to keep the tears from starting.

"It'd really mean a lot if you at least come see him. Denise isn't too keen on the idea, and neither is Dad, but Ma and I agreed that he should be able to see his uncle. Doesn't even have to be that long," Greg says earnestly, tone almost pleading.

Niall's eyes are downcast and he doesn't want to look up, he refuses. A part of him wants to shut the door in Greg's face and act like this conversation never even happened, but he feels a warm hand press against the small of his back, keeping him in place.

"I think maybe you should come back later, yeah? Give Niall some time to think about all of this," Harry says, the warm, slow drawl in his voice the only thing keeping Niall sane. The blond peers up under his lashes, just enough to see the saddened look on his brother's face before he nods.

"I uh, yeah. I understand. I'll just come by tomorrow before I leave. Jetting off back to Mullingar in the morning, so it'll be before then. Thank you—?"

"Harry," he supplies, dimpled smiled bright as he reaches his hand out. He hesitates, staring at Harry in a pregnant pause before he takes his hand and gives it a firm shake.

"Nice to meet you, Harry. Hope Niall hasn't caused you too much trouble," he says, and it's meant as a joke, distastefully, but Harry can't help but to notice Niall visibly tense.

"Right, well. Reckon I'll see you tomorrow, then." Greg glances between Harry and Niall, gaze lingering before he turns away. "Oh, and Merry Christmas. Nearly forgot."

He's too far down the hall for Harry to even bother replying, and the door's closed as soon as the words leave Greg's mouth, anyway. Harry's eyes quickly flicker to Niall's face, and he's got an unreadable expression. He doesn't move away from where he's standing by the door immediately, and Harry isn't quite sure how long he's waited until he finally does. But Niall's walking towards him now, and goes lax against him when he reaches Harry's outstretched arms. He keeps him close, arms tight around his waist; and if he weren't for that he wouldn't be able to feel the sobs racking through him.

"Fuck him," Niall mutters, and when his chest heaves hard in a sharp breath, it's the first time his tears come with sound. "Who does he fuckin' think he is?"

Harry doesn't think he's ever witnessed something as sad as seeing Niall like this, so vulnerable and small. His stomach twists into knots and he feels like crying himself, watching as Niall's eyes brim with more and more tears, trickling down his flushed face in hot streams.

"You need to calm down for me, love. You're making yourself sick," Harry murmurs gently, fingers carding through his hair. He brings him over to the bed and goes to the bathroom, coming back with a wet flannel. He wipes gently at his face, pressing his lips softly to each spot he dabs at.

"He isn't worth your tears," Harry says softly, "Don't get upset over someone who doesn't deserve you."

Niall nods, angrily wiping his eyes with the back of his hands. He almost looks disgusted with himself, appalled by getting upset and crying. Harry knows it must because of how he is, how he walks with a tough exterior and keeps his emotions inside and to himself. He knows Niall doesn't like to open up to people, but he also knows how hard it is on Niall to keep everything bottled up. It doesn't surprise him that Niall finally cracked.

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