Character Background

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* This is the background story of the OC.

Erin comes from a family of knights who is known for serving the Greek Gods and Goddesses of Olympus. Her mother, Archaea, was the lover of Apollo (God of music) and this makes her a half goddess or deity with a blood of knight flowing in her. It was known that the Gods and Goddesses of Olympus would never choose a human lover or let alone bear their child but this was different in the case of Erin's mother.

Since their family served the Gods greatly, they were willing to make an exception for her even if she was a mortal.

Erin initially stayed in Olympus knowing her mother also worked as a knight there.  The Gods permitted her living in the place because they grew fond of her especially Zeus, the King of the Gods.

Zeus made Erin his messenger same as his son, Hermes. He granted the child some powers which enabled her  to do her tasks. She gave Erin wings and the ability to control the elements, particularly lightning. This was possible since Erin also possess the blood of a deity being the daughter of Apollo.

Unfortunately, when she was on a task to send some message to the Underworld, the Great war between the Factions was on-going at that time and Little Erin was caught up in the crossfire which led to her death.

Hades was at a specific area away from the Great war and when he sensed Erin's presence on the battlefield, he quickly retrieved her lifeless body and reported to Olympus.

Zeus was stricken with the news and Archaea, after hearing of Erin's death, cried uncontrollably and was in deep grief. Apollo didn't fare any better as well as the other Gods and Goddesses who looked torn and ready to barge in the Great war. Ares, the God of war, was seconds away from joining the Factions' war if he wasn't stopped by Hera and Zeus.

The King of the Gods looked guiltily at Erin's lifeless body and he knew that he needed to be responsible for what happened. He is certain on what needs to be done and that is, to bring little Erin back to life.

However, he also knew that this wouldn't be possible without a sacrifice. If Erin would be brought back to life, she and her mother would need to leave Olympus and the Gods and Goddesses won't be able to contact them that easily. Basically, their memory about the passage leading towards Olympus would be erased and there's no guarantee that they would find the place again.

With a heavy heart, Apollo accepted the terms and Zeus turned towards the Goddess who can bring Erin back to life.

Apollo gave his final blessings to his child as well as the other deities in the Olympus. Ares gave the child a gift connected to weapons and Artemis gave Erin the ability to shift into certain animals. These 2 were particularly close to the child so they gave her a special gift different from the other Gods.

The rest of the deities gave her the Gift of endurance as well as the strength to face challenges which also served as their guidance for Erin.

Zeus enhanced his early gifts to Erin. He allowed Erin to freely control when she can use her wings as well as the ability to hide her aura. No amount of mastery towards magic can detect the child's aura so she will always appear human regardless of the circumstances. In addition to that, he enhanced the child's ability to use lightning and gave her a Thunder shield which can block any sort of attack and power. A weapon which is greatly befitting for a knight.

After saying their goodbyes to Olympus, Zeus and the other deities can only hope that  Archaea and Erin can return safely on Earth. Moreover, Apollo can only hope for the day in which he can see his child again.

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