Sooner or Later...You Won't Resist Me [Ch. 32]

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Fred actually smelled good, not that I thought he didn't but I just didn't expect him to smell appealing, I mean, not that he's ugly or anything because he's actually pretty good-looking but I wasn't expecting him to--you know what, I'm just going to stop talking because I'm confusing myself. I suddenly felt his hands slid to my lower back.

Wow, a little handsy are we? He then pulled me closer to him, making the hug more senual than it really was as he buried his face into the crook of my neck.

Oh...kay, this is getting a little uncomfortable. I pulled out of the hug, but not before Fred placed a small kiss on my cheek. I was surprised by his actions. "What the hell?" I heard a voice say from a distance. I didn't have to look to know it was Cory. His voice sounded surpirsed yet angry.

Fred had a victorious smile on his face as he walked off. "What the hell was that?" I asked no one in particular. I turned to look at Courtney and Quentin. Courtney had a smile smile playing on her lips while Quentin look a bit disgusted, since Fred is his friend, I bet he felt uncomfortable watching that considering our history.

"I may have told him about my plan?" Courtney guessed truthfully.

I sighed and rubbed my forehead in fustration. "I told you I didn't want to do that. I don't want anything to do with him," I refreshed her memory calmly with a hint of anger. Why can't she just let it go?

"I know but look," -she tilted her head towards Cory- "I think it worked," she finsished with a triumphet smile. Quentin chuckled and put an arm around Courtney's shoulders.

"Let's go before she turns green," he instructed, noticing the glare I was giving Courtney. When they were gone, I took a quick glance at Cory. His face was hard as he glared daggers at me. Are you serious? What right does he have to be angry?! I began to feel all my anger boiling and it must've shown on my face, because all of a sudden. his face softened to surprise and guilt.

I rolled my eyes at his sudden mood change and headed to class. Everyone started staring at me again. It's really starting to get irritating because I had no idea why they were doing it. "Seriously, what the hell?!" I turned and shouted to all of the bystanders staring at me. They didn't reply, just turned away and continued minding their own business.


After school, Courtney and I hung out at my house. We were sitting in the frontroom talking and eating chips. "So I heard you and Cory whispering again yesterday," I decided to tell her. She suddenly stopped eating and turned to me.

"Did you hear anything?" she asked with hope in her voice. That got me confused. She wants me to hear what they were talking about?

I shook my head. "All I heard was my name," I admitted. Her hope turned into exhaustion as she throw her head against the back of the couch and mumbled incoherently about me paying more attention next time. I laughed with confusion. Haha, it was actually kind of funny to watch her get fustrated, even if I didn't know what for.

Why does she all of a sudden want me to hear what her and Cory are whispering about? I opened my mouth to ask but then got distracted by my frontdoor bursting open. "Isyss! Isyss!" Quentin shouted as he rushed towards the stairs, not bothering to look around. Courtney and I just stared at him with wide eyes and shock as he shot upstairs. I noticed he had some papers or something in his hand.

"Isyss!" he yelled again, sounding muffled due to distance. Wow, it's a good thing my parents aren't home yet or they would be giving Quentin a lecture about not running and yelling all through their house. Quenin then came running back down the stairs and ran towards the kitchen. "Isyss!" he shouted some more.

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