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Alright, this chapter is what happened after Tae dyed his hair blond cause I was hinting at it and y'all were like 👀, so I feel like I owe it to you guys so here you go. Those who don't want to read any smut can skip after you see ❤️‍🔥 which indicates the smut starting and ending. This is my first time writing smut so...enjoy?


"Alright, are you ready- are you crying?"  Jimin asks concerned to the sniffling male seated in front of him.

"I-I'm just going to miss these beautiful dark brown locks,"

"And you guys thought I was a drama queen." Jin mumbles from on top of the bathroom counter as he scoops out some ice cream from the tub.

"Hey! You were literally crying about running out of your favorite soap and made poor Namjoon go out to every store and not come back till he got it." Taehyung retorts back as he quickly dries his tears.

"But you didn't hear that from me." He quickly adds on making Jimin snort.

Jin just gapes, spoon full of ice cream hovering near his open mouth.

"Take that back you little-"

"OKAYYY how about we calm down and let me do my job as the professional hair dresser that I am-"

"To what? Professional hairdresser to barbies?"

"Damn Taehyung coming for everybody today..." Jin whisper as he watches the two soulmates bicker back and forth.

"Why are you so snappy today huh? Is it cause you haven't gotten laid or some shit?"

The soon to be blond stays quiet and fiddles with the cape thrown over him.

"Damn gguk not giving you that dick you always drool over?" Jin snickers around his spoon.

"I do not!" The older males just give the younger a deadpan look.

"Fine whatever I just miss him you know...since he's busy doing this big tattoo project for a client and he's quite stressed about it." Taehyung mumbles, stealing a scoop of ice cream from the tub ignoring Jin's protests.

"I come home from class and he's usually there after work hunched over the desk sketching. I don't want to bother him so I usually just stay quiet and let him be." The male sighs, playing with his lip ring as he watches Jimin slowly mix the dye in the small bowl.

"Well...why don't you set up a little surprise for him tonight? For one, you are already dying your hair so that's bound to make him go crazy." Jin gives him the look while pointing the spoon at him.

"Oooo and to spice it up taetae can wear some lingerie to go with it. Gguk's favorite color is red right? I think I have just the thing." Jimin smirks as he goes to apply the mixture to tae's sectioned hair.

"I like your thinking Jiminie!" The other simply winked.

"But yeah, maybe make his favorite food have a nice dinner, watch a movie or something before the big reveal. It's a solid plan, next thing you know you can't walk. and you're limping everywhere." Jin deadpanned causing Jimin to burst out laughing making him pause in his work.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2021 ⏰

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