Part 22

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Authors note: So uh... I'm officially horrible. Please don't stop reading. LOL. I just started school again (senior year woohoo) and the thought of being online more than I have to makes me want to gag. But I shall update! Yes indeed!

I wake up when the sun first strained it's early morning rays, bathing the town in a heavenly glow. I made my way to the bus stop thinking about how long the bus ride to Roseville was going to be.

Six hours.

I spent six hours on a rickety bus going 40 miles per hour along a freeway. But as I gazed at the town square that I knew every inch of I felt like I was home. I went back to the dead drop that Joe and I frequented and recovered another note.

Same Time, Same Place.

I had a date with Joe Solomon.

Three day's later him and I met in the town square under the gazebo.

"Zach!" He says "Hugging me. "You're alright."

I give him a grudging smile. "Barely"

"What's the difference?"

And perhaps that was the scariest thing of all. In a spies life death isn't uncommon. Double that if your mom is in the Circle of Cavan.

"How's Cammie?" I ask

"Ah. Already want to get into the specifics don't we?"

I rolled my eyes, my face going hot. I try to shrug nonchalantly " I just want to make sure she's okay"

Joe shakes his head "She's fine." He pauses before adding "She's not your concern. She's an amazing operative and besides that" he raises his eyebrows "her little ahh.. stunt got her banned from leaving the school grounds."

"Yeah like that's going to stop her" I say shaking my head. "When has that ever stopped her?"

"I assure you, Mr. Goode, that we have a great number of eyes on Miss. Morgan at the moment."

"Does she know?" I ask my voice barely a whisper.

"She most likely suspects that she has eyes on her, after her mother's warning."

"No. Does she know that she's the target?" I lock my eyes with his.

"No." He tells me. "We figured the information was need to know. And at the moment since she's trapped inside the grounds she doesn't need to know."

"Does she know about me?"

"No one knows." says Joe. "I have to get back to the school. Cove Ops test. See you around Zach." He said walking away. He called behind him "She'll be fine." But it didn't make me feel better.

Because she wouldn't. I knew that much.

Goode Things Take TimeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz