My emo princess

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Louis Tomlinson P.O.V

"Hey Louis you ok" Nail asked looking at me "huh yea" I said shaking my head. "You sure you been out of it since you arrived at school" Harry spoke up.

"Yea I'm ok" I replied smiling "hey why don't we talk to other people" I asked. "What do you mean" Zane asked breaking lips with his girlfriend Clover. "I mean all we talk to are the popular kids" I replied looking at my friends.

"I don't know why do you ask" Liam said looking at me "I was jus woundering" I lied. I could still recall that girl words from earlier today.

"Why do you ask though" Harry replied

"No reason" I said shaking my head "you know there is'nt a rule about not talking to other people" Clover spoke up. "In fact I have many friends who are not popular" she added smiling at me.

"But people would look at me differnt" I added "Well we would'nt" Liam said. "Yea we will always be your friends" Nail shouted smiling.

"Thanks guys and Clover" I laughed smiling as I saw the girl for this morring. She was sitting alone picking at her plate Cover seem to know where I was looking.

"Her mame is Megan" Clover annouced "who's name is Megan" Zane asked. "That girl Louis is eyeing" Clover smiled poiting at Megan.

"I was'nt eyeing her" I stated flatly as the guys all turn to look at her. "Oh yea she's in our english class" Harry spoke up "really" I asked frowning. I never seen her before "Yea she sits in the back" Harry replied.

"I heared she was a vampire" Nail whispered causing us to all laugh.

"For real guys, I'm not playing" he added frowning at us. "Nail she is'nt a vampire" Clover laughed. "Yea" I smiled "And how do you know Clover" he asked crossing his arms.

"Well for one vampires can't come out during the day Nail" she replied. "Oh yea what about twilight" he asked "That's a movie" I laughed.

"Nail no more vampire movies for you" Liam laughed "yea I agree" Harry said. "Just you all wait and see" Nail frowned turning away from us.

"Here I'll prove it to you" Clover said standing up. "Where are you going" he asked looking at her "To prove to you that she is'nt a blood sucking monster".

I watched Clover walk over to Megan as the started to talk. "What do you think they are talking about" Zane asked "who knows they are woman" Liam added.

"Oh no guys she's coming over here" Nail shouted ducking his head.

"Guys this is Megan" Clover annouced stoping just in front of us. "Nail" she called smiling "yes" he whispered I wanted to laugh but keep quite.

"Your Nail" Megan asked smiling at him.

"Y..y...yes" he shutter looking at her "Hi I'm Megan" she replied still smiling. "Megan wanted to talk with you" Clover explained smirking. I could tell she was up to no good so could the other guys all but poor Nail.

"What is it" Nail asked sitting up he seem to be claming down some. "Well you see I'm mightly hurngy" Megan purred walking to come stand behind Nail.

"Huh" Nail looked up at her frowning "you see I only drink blood" she whispered.

"W..w..what!" Nail shouted jumping up his face plaeing. "I said I want your blood Nail" she smiled leaning into him "I got to go!" He shouted running off.

We all laughed watching as he keep running "Clover that was mean" Lima said laughing. "Good one babe" Zane smiled "I never seen Nail run so fast" I laughed covering my mouth with my hand.

"Thanks Megan that was awesome" Clover laughed "sure thing" Megan replied smiling. "Yea you where great" Harry spoke up I smiled as I looked over at her she "well I should be going" she replied turning to leave.

"Ok later Meg!" Clover shouted waveing I watched her disapper.

"She is really nice" Clover stated still smiling.

"Yea I wounder why she dose'nt have any friends she's always alone" Liam spoke.

"I don't know" Harry added I frown thinking about Megan being alone.

"Well we should we going" Zane said standing up as the bell went off. "Ok see you guys later" I called as Liam and I took off "later" I heared Zane yell.

"So you like her" Liam asked looking at me.

"No I don't Liam I don't even know Her" I replied "well you could still like her".

"Well I don't ok besides I have Ashley" I said smiling. "Yea the biggest bitch there is" Liam frowned "don't call her that" I shouted grabbing him by the collar.

"Look I'm sorry ok" Liam said holding his hands up. "Ashley is just going thought trouble" I lied I knew Ashley was a bitch but she was still my girlfriend.

"I'm sorry" I added letting go of him "It's ok" Liam replied walking pass me.

I frowned shaking my head as I ran to catch up to him.

My Emo PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now