Chapter 1

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Nobody POV:

Brrrinngg! Brrrinng! Sophie's Imparter was ringing like crazy. Groaning, she sat up at checked her imparter as a pair of beautiful teal eyes appeared on the screen. "Biana! What are you doing up this early?" she asked. "Early?" Biana said, "It's lunch time!" Checking the time, she realized that Biana was right. "Anyways," Biana said, "I HAVE THE BEST IDEA EVER!!!" "Whoa, Biana; You're gonna break break my eardrums," Sophie said. "But what is it?" "My idea was...........

A three day sleepover at Everglen with you, me, Tam, Linh, Dex, Keefe, and Fitz! And, you can show us some human games aaannnddd... MAKEOVERS!!! Every day!" Sophie smiled, "I'm in on everything except the makeovers," she said, "Just let me ask Grady and Edaline."  

                                                                             ~Time Skip~        

Sophie's POV:

When I leaped to Everglen with my purple backpack filled with clothes and toiletries, I saw everyone else waiting for me on the other side of the gates. When Biana opened the gates, being the clumsy self I was, I tripped on a root and fell. As I was about to hit the ground, a pair of strong arms caught me. As I looked up, I saw a pair of glittering teal eyes looking at me.

A/N: For telepathic conversations Sophie is Italics and Fitz is Underlined

Are you okay?

Yeah just embarrassed 

It's fine, at least I was here to catch you

Now Biana's looking at us funny, I wonder what it is

"Hey lovebirds! No more telepathic conversations or we'll have to assume that you're flirting," Keefe shouted. I looked away to hide my blush, but not in time to miss Fitz's cheeks redden.    Did he like me? No Sophie, there is no way the Fitz, the perfect guy would like her, the freaky brown eyed girl who was raised by humans. 

Fitz's POV:

"Hey lovebirds! No more telepathic conversations or we'll have to assume that you're flirting," Keefe shouted. I blushed, as Sophie turned away, her face red. Did she like me back? No, there is no way the the perfect girl, the most powerful elf ever, could like him, the stupid boy whose brother was a member of the Neverseen. 

Nobody POV:

"I have and idea!" Biana said, "Let's play a human game! Sophie, do you have an idea?"  "Umm, we could play... truth or dare, or spin the bottle," Sophie suggested. "Let's do truth or dare, then spin the bottle," Biana decided. "Okay," Sophie said, " So how you play truth or dare is one person will ask another person truth or dare and if the second person chooses dare, then the first person can dare them to do anything and if they refuse, than they have to take off an item of clothing. If the second person chooses truth, then the first person can ask them any question and the second person has to answer truthfully." 

Sleepover- A Sophitz StoryWhere stories live. Discover now