The melody started to calm me down and I humed to it and slowly I started to fall asleep. That night I dreamed of another memory.

Memory Begins

I am playing with Harry. We are in our room doing random things to stay occupied. But then the door opened to reveal Sirius. He smiled at us when he saw us playing together. "Well my little pups your uncle Sirius is here as your parents are outs to go stay hi to grandpa Dumbledore." This caused us to giggle at him. He came over and started to entertain us but I soon got bored and started to crawl around. While I was doing that Sirius put Harry to bed since he fell asleep. He then walked over to me and picked me up. I started to squirm around trying to get free.

"Hey there pup calm down I was going to sing to you." That calmed me down since he always sang our special to me before I went to sleep.

As I was close to sleep he put me down. Just then mum and dad came in. They walked over to Sirius as quietly as possible. "Thanks Padfoot don't know what we would of done without you." Dad said to Sirius with a smile on his face as he spoke quietly. Mum nodded with him.

"It was no big deal really. They were angels but I think Violetta is starting to understand us. Also I know that you two fear they won't know anything about you if Voldemort finds you." He says to them. They are shock that I might be able to understand them but also with what Sirius said about them.

Mum sighed and looked at Sirius with pleading eyes. "That's true. That's why we went to Dumbledore. We've been thinking of why's so they can get to know us even if we are gone." He nodded with his normally happy face gone with a grim one. But then it brighten.

"What if you guys had a locket that had a picture of you two that had all your memories? Like the ones in Dumbledore's office?" He asked they were shock but looked at each other and grin appeared on their faces. Then everything faded since I finally went to sleep.

Memory ended

I woke and got ready for the school day. And not long after I was finished getting ready Hermione got up and started getting ready. I went downstairs to wait for her in the common room. And there I found all the Weasleys plus Harry and Neville. I sighed and knew why they were there. But I simply walked pass them and sat on the couch. I began to read while I waited for Hermione.

"Violetta everyone saw how you reacted to that snake last night. All of us are worried." Harry began gently looking at my with his eyes soft and caring. But all I did was continue reading while glaring at the book. I knew if this continues I will either lash out on them or have a panic attack. And Harry knew this so he would mostly likely get the brute force of it.

"What Harry is trying to say Violetta is that you need to tell us what caused you to react so badly to a snake. Even though there was no way it could hurt you." Percy Weasley said. He was likely frustrated and worried for her by his tone of voice. But all this did was push Violetta more. She was now starting to shake. And wondered what was taking Hermione so long. But what happened next pushed Violetta too far.

"Violetta tell us now or we will figure it out on our own. So there is no use in not telling us." Ron snapped. At that Violetta slammed her book shut and her hair turned a dark and scary red. She turned and marched over to them. Just one look at her sent people running away so Neville who had been inching to the portrait hole bolted. Harry eyes were darting around as a mean to escape what is about to come. The Weasleys were pale and rooted to the spot. Even Percy and he was a Prefect. Hermione who had been hiding behind the twins to stay hidden came out to try and calm her down. But instead got pushed out of they way.

"You think just because I'm scared of snakes you get a say wether or not I tell you why. Well you are dead wrong! I HAVE A RIGHT TO MY PRIVACY! YOU SEVEN DO NOT GET TO DECIDED WHEN I SHOULD TELL YOU ANYTHING!" After that she stormed off and everyone got out of her way even teachers. When she got to the Great Hall everyone left her alone. And the reason behind that is because the fat lady stayed open so all could here and know why she was in a bad mood. Even the Slytherin's didn't dare mess with her.

About ten minutes after she came in and sat as far away as possible from where she sat with everyone the Weasleys, Harry and Hermione came into the Great Hall. They all had ashamed looks on their faces. They looked around and saw Violetta reading a book since she finished eating. Harry walked over. The Great Hall held their breath and watched to see what would happen. No one dare to move or take their eyes off the Potter twins.

"Violetta I wa-" Harry got cut off as Violetta whipped her head around and glared at Harry.

"No. You don't get to say sorry and act as if everything is okay. Not after you tried to pry into my life! You knew better than to ask! You knew what would happen if you pry and push me too far! Yet you did! You didn't care how that would affect me! None of you are to come near me until I feel like forgiving you!" She then stormed off looking pale and was shaking a little with tears in her eyes.

She went to DADA and sat in the seat that was farthest away from everyone and put her bag on the empty seat next to her. She closed her eyes and tried to calm down. It was twenty minutes before class started so she sat and tried to calm herself.

Harry POV

I'm an Idiot! I thought to myself. I should of known better. And now Violetta is mad at me. And no one besides Malfoy wants a mad Violetta at them. After Violetta stormed out Snape and McGonagall came over. They asked me, Hermione and the Weasleys to follow them. So we did. We went to McGonagall classroom and by then I knew it was really bad.

"Mind to explain Mr. Potter why your sister Ms. Potter was yelling at all of you in the Gryffendore common room and the Great Hall?" McGonagall demanded in a calm but threatening tone.

"It was for the way she acted when Malfoy made that snake appear during our duel." I explained to them. They nodded but looked at me a little disappointed. And I understood why. We had pushed her to far and now she is on edge.

"Well Mr. Potter seeing as the why she reacted I wouldn't be expecting her answer your seven questions. Also think how this will affect other people. Now all of you go to your classes. They are going to start soon. But I want you to give Ms. Potter space." And so we went to our classes. Nothing interesting happened until I was in the library. I was looking through some books when I heard some Hufflepuff talking. I listened in and found out that they thought I was the heir to Slytherin.

They had Justin hide in their common room to lay low for awhile. I soon left feeling hurt about what they said. So went on my way. But not long after I found Justin and Nearly Headless Nick petrified. And of course Peeves let the whole school know.

Violetta POV

After what happened this morning I ignored all of them. I got through my classes and went to the Library. I wanted to do more research. Since Hermione, Harry and Ron are going to use Polyjuice to see if Malfoy is the Heir to Slytherin. But I knew he wasn't. This Tom Riddle I found doesn't have any descendents. And no matter how mad I am at him I know Harry isn't doing this.

But so far I haven't found any other explanations on why this is happening. So I turn my attention to the creature in the chambers. I knew it had to do with Slytherin and needed to live for a really long time for it to be alive right now. So I looked for any creatures Salazar Slytherin was close to. But I got interupted Peeves and not long after Madam Prince closed the Library. So I went to the common room to do the little homework I had left.

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