dave east| ionk

360 5 1

Carmen's p.ov

"OK KEEP PLAYING WITH ME DAVID I'MMA FUCK YOU UP" I yell to him as he closed the door in my face I kicked at his door "BITCH" I said leaving he looked through the window laughing at me and stuck his tongue out at me I gave him a middle finger then he looked me up and down sexually

I roll my eyes walking to the car he's so fucking childish ion got time for that I get in my car and pulled off I go home and chill with my dog Everest as he called me I sent that shit straight to voicemail and he left one I contemplated on whether I listen to it I went with my gut and did


aye doe baby you mad at me for real I'm sorry you can come back I was just playing ~ southern accent

I scoffed and rolled my eyes then called him

Bring yo stanky Duke ass back mane

Nah I'm straight

Then I'mma come over there

Nah you good ion need company tonight


He hung up I just watched TV 3 minutes later I hear him come in he came upstairs in the room "didn't I tell you stop picking my lock criminal" I say "yeah but that Ian stop me" he said getting in the bed .

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