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Present time ~02/14/20

Jordan's P.O.V

I dealt with PTSD since I was 18 I didn't know how to function with it until my parents showed me the world of art anything I feel or see I draw it down in the sketch book I've had to get multiple books because I tend to draw a lot when I draw I need a comfortable safe place or places so far my comfort places are the cafe , my apartment, and the park so today I decided to go to the cafe I grabbed my jacket , shoes , wallet,sketch book and pencil then I leave out


I'm sitting in a booth sketching away the cafe has a lot of faces today so I started drawing the scenery "happy Valentine's day Jordan do you want coffee" I hear someone ask I looked up to see this beautiful woman wearing a black shirt ,blue jeans and a brown apron with "Lonnie's cafe☕" on it "uh no I'm okay coffee's not really me but happy Valentine's day to you too how do you know my name " I asked her she does this cute little head tilt "but it's on the house and im pretty sure I know my customers by now" she said with her lip kinda poking out "since you said it like that I'll take some coffee" I tell her "would you like sugar and cream " she asked "actually I would like that , what's coffee without sugar or cream" I ask her being playful "well your in for a treat we have the best coffee " she told me walking away I flip to another page and started drawing her not long she came back with the coffee she sat it on the table I looked at it , it had a heart shape in it with cinnamon sticks and on the plate next to it was coffee cake with sprinkles shape like hearts I chuckled a little "thank you" I tell her "your welcome and what are you drawing" she asked "you" I tell her she smiles a little "can I see" she asked "I just started I need some poses from you" I tell her she turns to the side "like this" she asked "perfect" I told her she blushed a little not long I was finished "and done" I say "really can I see now" she asked I turned it around and showed her her face showed pure awe " I love it" she told me "I'm glad you do , you can have it " I say "I'm gonna keep it forever" she told me so I signed my signature Jordan Calloway🌼 I wrote down on the paper "thank you" she told me "your welcome" I tell her giving the picture to her "your a very amazing artist" she told me "what's your name" I ask "Lonnie" she said with a chuckle "wait you own this cafe" I ask "mhm" she told me "that's crazy I need to open my eyes more" I say "it's fine I really hope you enjoy the food gotta get back to work" she told me taking the picture with her

9:00 am

I was still there I did 20 pages of drawings she then called me from behind the counter "yes" I answered "I'm closing up soon" she told me "why so soon" I asked she chuckled softly "I always close up around this time you so happen to leave early not to know " she said "awe man" I said then I got up then it hit me "or we could stay here for 5 more minutes and get to know each other and i can take you out next week" I asked "hmm" she said acting like she was thinking about it "why not" she told me

So why do you draw?

Well I have PTSD so drawing stimulates my brain I've had it since I was 18

How did you get it?

Well I was fighting for these people like an army type of thing but they brainwashed me to kill innocent people I thought it was right but it wasn't all those people I killed

Who the markovian?

Yes they put a chip in my neck turning me into this monster I didn't want to be and I struggle with him sometime

She then leaned across table to kissed me it shocked me dis activating the chip I jumped back  a little "I'm sorry" she told me "no it's okay" I say kissing her


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