27 - my lips are sealed

Start from the beginning

'Yeah. Buddy.' I laugh at her disgusted reaction. 'What? Do you not like it or something?'

She crosses her arms over her chest to show her dissatisfaction, and I can't help but admire her protest over a little nickname that slipped out of me by accident. 'I'm not your buddy.' She says crossly. 'I'm your girlfriend.' Then she kisses me passionately to show me the big difference between the two words.

I pull away but I hold her face in both my hands so she doesn't have a choice but to look into my eyes. 'Can't you be both?' I ask in amusement. 'My buddy and my girlfriend?'

'No.' She whines shaking her head and I watch her pout her lips adorably at me. I then lean in to kiss her pouty lips but she moves her face away so fast that I miss her lips and kiss her cheek instead. 'You can't kiss your buddy Chalamet. That's against the rules.'

'Oh really?' Now it's me raising my eyebrows at her in surprise. But before I can try and steal another kiss from her she's running away towards the coffee house entrance. 'So that's how you wanna play it huh?'

I watch her turn back to me with a devious look in her eye. She makes it to the door before I have a chance to catch up to her and we have no choice now but to enter the coffee house hand in hand. I smile, happy with how we'd resolved things. Moments like these remind me why I fell in love with Ella in the first place and I start to feel so content.

We find Syd and Sophia sitting down already and we make our way towards them. But the sight we see is not pretty at all.



The first thing I notice the moment we spot Soph and Syd is the huge plaster stuck to Sophia's forehead.

'What happened?' I ask before I even greet the two of them and Sophia looks startled I asked until Syd takes over to speak for her instead.

'She broke a wine glass having dinner at my place last night and one of the glass shards cut her pretty badly.' Syd explains calmly but Sophia still doesn't look calm. Something is unsettling her, she doesn't look at ease sitting there beside Syd. I know her, and I can read her every thought and emotion.

But then I doubt my skills when a smile spreads across her face. 'It's dumb.' She says laughing. 'Syd got all dramatic about it but I'm fine really. It was nothing. There's no need to worry.' I blink my eyes at her in disbelief.

'It's good it got your head not your eye. That would have sucked.' Timmy claims laying back in his seat comfortably. But how can he be comfortable right now? Something is so off about Sophia. I just know it. I can feel it in my fucking bones but I can't pin point what it is just yet.

'That's exactly what my mom said.' Sophia replies and then she takes a sip of her coffee and does her best to avoid eye contact with me.

I force her to look at me when I speak up. 'Why's the plaster so big if it was just a little cut? It must not have bled too bad right?'

Sophia looks at me, goes frigid and looks at Syd instead who once again talks for her. 'It wasn't a big cut but it was really deep. There was a lot of bleeding I almost thought she would pass out.'

'Did you?' I ask Sophia, and I know Syd can hear the hostility in my voice because he does his signature eye roll.

'No. She didn't. She was fine.' He replies. 'I thought we already established that.'

In Your Eyes ✧ Timothée ChalametWhere stories live. Discover now