14| Address

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14| Address

Thank you for the 3K reads! ❤️ 

Harry didn't realize that he fell asleep on Louis' shoulder until he woke up and saw that two hours had passed when he looked at his phone. But under the time showing is what made his heart stop and his blood run cold. He had multiple missed calls and texts from David. His hands instantly began to shake. It felt like he couldn't breathe, so when a hand went on his shoulder, he suddenly jumped. It took him a second to realize it was Louis that had done that, but by then he was already out of the bed and almost in the corner. Louis had an apologetic facial expression.

"I'm sorry, love." He spoke sincerely. "I didn't mean to scare you."

Harry shook his head, half listening to what he was saying. He was starting to get in his own head, and the fear of the unknown that was waiting for him at home made his stomach clench at the possibilities. At some point his phone must have fallen because he heard footsteps and then a hand reaching down to grab the phone. The screen lit up, showing the missed notifications. He heard Louis suck in a breath.

"It seems you missed some phone calls." He said.

Harry didn't say anything.

"What are you going to do?"

Harry hadn't actually thought of what he would do. But he had no other choice than to return home. And he told Louis that. When he dared look up, he was nervous by the clenching of his jaw. With David, that usually meant something bad was about to happen. To him. But he tried to remind himself that Louis wouldn't do that to him. But his mind wasn't catching up fast enough. It was almost as if Louis could read his mind or body language by the way he tensed up because he unclenched his jaw and frowned.

"I don't know what's going through your pretty head, but I don't like it." He said. "It kills me knowing you think I would do something to you."

Harry wrapped his arms around himself. "I-I don't think you w-would, but m-my mind doesn't g-get that."

Harry didn't meet Louis' eyes when he said that. But it didn't seem to matter because Louis had grabbed onto Harry's arms to make him unwrap himself. "You don't have to wrap your arms around yourself to appear smaller and defend yourself. I'm not going to do anything to you, love." He said.

Harry believed him and let his arms drop, but his head still remained down. It seemed like Louis wasn't having any of that because he raised his head so they could meet eyes. "You can't go back to your house. By the look on his face when he saw you, it isn't safe. And I can't let you go back knowing what I know now." Harry gave him a confused expression. "Can you stay at any of your friends house?" Harry thought about Niall and Liam, and the thought of asking them seemed reasonable. And he thought about doing that, but David knew their addresses and Harry knew he wouldn't hesitate to go and look for them there. So when Louis asked, he shook his head. The only logical but sad truth was that he was going to have to go back to his house, and face whatever was waiting for him. Harry didn't like it and didn't want to, but he had to. And Louis couldn't help him on this.

Louis squeezed his hand. "I have an idea."

He locked their hands together, and pulled Harry outside of his room. Harry met briefly with the lightly dimmed hallway before being pushed into another room. The lights turned on immediately. Harry blinked his eyes by the sudden change of light. Once adjusted, he lifted his head to see a bed with a nightstand and dresser. He looked around, unsure as to why Louis would show him this. As if reading his thoughts again, Louis motioned to the room.

"What if you stayed here?" He asked timidly. It was almost one of the first times Louis seemed so unsure and less confident of himself. "I can't let you go back to David, and I have this spare bedroom that rarely gets used. And if you're okay with it, I would love to have you." Harry looked around at the bed, noticed how soft it looked, and how badly he just wanted to climb in. "And having you here would help keep my mind at ease."

Harry was so close to saying yes until he realized one thing. "I-I don't have any c-clothes or a-anything with m-me."

Louis smiled. "That's what shopping is for."

Harry thought for sure he was going to have to go back home to retrieve some of his things, but shopping sounded better. And he had just enough money to buy the necessities he needed.


It wasn't until five minutes into their little shopping trip that Harry noticed how much stuff Louis was putting in the cart. And how he couldn't even pay for half of it. When he noticed Louis continue to put things into the cart, he knew he had to say something. But he soon didn't have to when they made eye contact, and Louis saw his face expression.

"Necessities," Louis said sheepishly.

Harry made a point to stare at some of the other items in the cart that weren't necessities. Louis met his stare. As they continued to stare, Harry's anxiety began to grow a bit.

Louis caught on quickly. "What's wrong, babe?"

"I-I can't afford a-all of t-this," Harry said, shaking his head.

Louis caught Harry's chin with his fingers. "Don't worry about it."


"Hush, and let me buy stuff for my roommate." He winks.

Harry made a point to look at the bags of gummy bears.

"Who says those are for you?" Louis snickered.

The soft chuckle caught him off guard, and he didn't even realize it was from him until he hesitantly looked up and saw Louis' expression. A mixture of surprise and amazement. But thankfully, Louis didn't let the situation become more awkward.

"Now, let's get jelly beans too."



Hope the update wasn't awful haha


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