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Suddenly, he grabbed Tiffany's hand and began tugging her towards the custodial closet. Almost as quickly a new thought began to form in Mr. Merryweather's head. He followed the two teens at a distance. When the bell announcing the next set of classes sounded, he stopped, waiting to see what they would do next. While the other students hurried to their next assigned room, Tiffany and Justin remained.

"Come on! We've got to go! We're going to be late!" said Tiffany

"Not until I find out who's in there!" Said Justin. He pounded on the closet door and gave it a swift kick for good measure.

"Open up asshole! I know you're in there, so come out!"

"What did that door ever do to you?" said Mr. Merryweather, coming up behind them. His voice was friendly and warm and laughter danced in his eyes. Tiffany started and a quick wave of panic washed over Justin's face. Merryweather stared at them calmly.

"Someone's hiding in there that wrote this," said Justin. His tone shifted gradually from angry to embarrassed as he spoke.

"I see," replied Mr. Merryweather.

"It was to my girlfriend," said Justin. Tiffany, for her part, stood there looking mortified.

"You must really love her to make such a scene over something so trivial," said Mr. Merryweather.

"I do," said Justin, and as if to prove it, he took Tiffany's hand.

"Well, I can promise you one thing. No one is in there. In fact, I'll show you." Mr. Merryweather slipped out the skeleton key and jiggled the lock again. He pulled the door open, slipping back behind the couple in the process.

"I don't get it. The note said he'd be here," said Justin. There was a hollow noise like the sound of a bottle being uncorked, and tiffany fell forward, bouncing off the wall before collapsing to the ground.

"I am," said Mr. Merryweather as he squeezed off a second shot that embedded itself in Justin's neck. The boy looked momentarily confused before joining Tiffany on the ground. Mr. Merryweather looked around. No one had seen a thing. Quickly, he scooped up Justin's body and dumped him into one of the trash cans. He had to bend his legs and arms a bit, but he managed to squeeze him in. To avoid prying, he tossed a trash bag on top. Tiffany, being smaller, was easier and he didn't have to contort her nearly as much. With both teens ready to go, pushed the trash cans through the halls, out the entrance, and to the rented van. He dumped them both in the back and was back on the road in no time. All in all, it had taken him two hours.

He drove across town to the waterfront. Typically considered a shady area of town during the best circumstances, it was not usually an area people liked being if they could help it. Of course, with the reputation and the abundant warehouses, it was exactly the kind of place Mr. Merryweather could do business. He pulled up in front of an especially worn down warehouse with the words 'Best Fish' painted above the door and honked his horn four times; short toot, long toot, short, long. A few seconds later the rusty door lifted up and Mr. Merryweather drove the van on in. Several large men stood waiting as he pulled to a stop and got out. Another man in a lab coat approached him.

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