Chapter II- Rose

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CHAPTER TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ENJOY MY CUPCAKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JUJU xoxo


When Scorpius winked at me, I couldn’t help but blush. It was weird because I had never liked him. I remembered my dad telling me to keep away from Slytherins at all costs. I thought about the last conversation that I had with Scorpius before the summer, in fact it was one of the only conversations we ever had.


“Oi Potter!!” Scorpius called to Albus who was walking right next to me. We were headed to potions and we had just passed the Slytherin common room.

“Go away, Malfoy!!” he snapped.

“Oh, you’re a little touchy today.” Scorpius and his goons laughed. My blood boiled and I turned to glare at him, “You know Malfoy I think that because you like to converse with Gryffindors then maybe you should be one.”

Scorpius looked taken aback while his stupid friends still laughed. He held his hand up for silence and his friends’ laughter faded, “You think you’re so smart Weasley. Just because your mum was Hermione Granger. That’s right; my dad told me all about your mudblood mother. You should be glad she married a pureblood, or she would be as good as dead.”

I raised my hand and slapped him across the face. He gaped at me as I grabbed Albus by the arm and dragged him to potions.

“Rose, that was bloody brilliant!!” he said as we took our seats. I grinned as I remembered the story my dad told me about my mum punching Scorpius’ dad. My dad had said the exact same thing to her. Scorpius walked in then, giving me a deathly glare. I stuck my tongue out back and turned to the front of the class.


At this moment I was pretending to read my book but I could feel Albus’ eyes burning into my head. I started to wonder why Scorpius winked at me. After what happened before the summer, I would’ve thought he would want to kill me. I came up with various, unrealistic theories for the rest of the journey and then we arrived.



I stood up and applauded for my younger brother as he scurried over and sat next to Lily, who had also been put into Gryffindor. Jessie had been put into Ravenclaw and Trisha into Hufflepuff. Albus seemed to be upset about that, did he like Trisha?

My thoughts went to Scorpius and I absentmindedly looked over to where he was sitting at the Slytherin table. He caught my glance and smirked. I quickly looked down at my plate and cut a bit of my chicken. My eyes wandered up again and this time Scorpius winked at me. This time, fortunately, Albus did not see because he was too busy looking at his still full plate.

When dinner was over, I walked up to the common rooms alone because Albus wanted to talk to Trisha, James was walking to the Ravenclaw common room with Jessie first, Victoire, Dominique and Louis was in Hufflepuff so she wasn’t going the same way as me and Hugo and Lily were being taken to the common room with the Gryffindor prefects. I sat on one of the sofas with an open book in my lap but I was staring at the fire. Thinking about Scorpius, of course. It annoyed me a little because I knew I wasn’t supposed to be thinking about him like this. My thoughts should have been full of hate but they weren’t.

“Rose, are you okay?” Albus said walking into the common room.

“Oh yeah, I’m fine. Why did you take so long??”

“I guess I just lost track of time talking with Trisha. She’s a great girl.”


“Well, I’m going to bed. See you tomorrow.”


He went up to the boys’ dorms and then I realised that I was the only one in the common room. It must’ve been late. I closed my book, got up and made my way up to my dorm. I knew I wasn’t gonna sleep a wink. That’s what always happened when there was something I didn’t understand. I would keep overthinking it until I understood.

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