Chapter XXXI- Jessie

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Hey yall!!! I'm in class right now... I'm such a rebel!!!!! :P Anyways... Fan, Vote, Comment and as always ENJOY MY CUPCAKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JUJU xoxo


Although I was happy to see my dad, step-mum, stepbrothers and half-brother again, I couldn’t wait for Christmas day when I would see James again. You’re probably wondering why I said all that stepbrother, step-mum and stuff. Well, I’ll explain later. Anyways, Luna took me Christmas shopping and I found the perfect gift for James. It was a magical picture frame that would show you whatever memory you wanted when you were holding it. I thought it was pretty cool and even tested it out myself.

My little (half) brother, Frank, jumped on my bed on Christmas morning as he always did thinking he was waking me up. I of course was always awake but I always pretended to be asleep because I knew how much he enjoyed waking everyone up. I laughed and hugged him tightly trying to stop him falling off the bed like he did one year. Trust me; waiting outside the emergency room in St. Mungo’s on Christmas day was not fun. Anyways, both of us ran to wake up the twins, Lorcan and Lysander and then we all ran into our parents’ room to jump on their bed and wake them up.

We had a small breakfast (Dad and Luna said that James’ grandmother, Mrs Weasley, would feed them enough to last the next year) and then I got ready. I pulled on a red Christmas sweater and a green skirt. I was feeling overly in the Christmas mood so I was wearing all Christmas colours this year. I went into the bathroom and brushed through my black hair with its blonde highlights. They weren’t actually part of my hair; I got them so I would look more like Luna instead of my real mum Hannah Abbot. Anyways, I pushed my bangs out of my forehead with a gold, sparkly headband. I brushed my teeth and stuff before heading back to my room to slip on my rep ballet flats with a green ribbon on them. I checked myself in the mirror to make sure I looked good for James even though he’d probably say that I always looked gorgeous.

We took the floo network to the Burrow because that’s what dad had told Mrs Weasley we’d be using. James was the only person in the living room when I arrived; he was reading a book. I was surprised but then I realised it was a rather battered copy of Quidditch through the Ages. He put it down when he saw me and pulled me into a tight hug, “I missed you Jess.”

“Missed you too James.” Just then Frank arrived and James looked at him confused, “James, this is my half-brother Frank.”


Before I could reply, Lorcan arrived and then Lysander and then my dad and Luna. They smiled and greeted James, who was still confused so I explained, “Luna is not my real mum. Neville is my real dad though. My real mum, Hannah Abbot, had an affair while she was married to dad so they got a divorce a few years after I was born. Then when Luna was pregnant with Lorcan and Lysander, the twins, their father, Rolf, died in a muggle car accident. Dad and Luna got married like five years later and then they had Frank. Pretty confusing story but very true.”

“I’m so sorry Jess. I didn’t know.”

“Nah it’s cool. I don’t really know my mum so it doesn’t matter. Plus I would never have gotten such awesome step-brothers.” I punched the twins playfully, “And an absolutely adorable half-brother.” I added pinching Frank’s cheek. Everyone smiled and I breamed in satisfaction. I love making people happy. Just then, Molly Weasley came in and hugged Lysander tightly with a squeal. Oh right, I forgot they were friends with her. I’m so forgetful sometimes.

Molly hugged Lorcan and then hugged Lysander again. They looked really cute together. Come to think of it, I remember Lysander saying something about fancying a girl with auburn hair. He accidently let slip what she looked like when I asked. I would have to talk to her about it later. By this time Mrs Weasley came bustling in and shooed us all into the dining room where a huge feast had been set up. I guess dad and Luna were right; she did feed you loads. I sat in between Albus and James at the table that seemed cramped in the small dining room but then again, this was a huge family plus there were extra guests.

When we were eating dessert, Albus reached across the table to get something. His sleeve slid up his arm and I noticed some small purple bruise-like marks on his hand, “Albus, what are those??” I asked pointing at them.

He pulled his sleeve back up his arm and muttered, “Nothing.”

I glanced at James confusedly and realised that his face mirrored mine. He shrugged and continued to eat his Christmas pudding. I glanced at James who was suddenly very interested in his half empty plate. What were those marks?? How had he gotten them?? I would have to find out somehow.

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