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Y/N received all four letters and if she was being honest, she didn't know that they'd actually write back. She hasn't opened them yet, but she will when she goes to her appointment. She was anxious about what was written there. All four letters that are addressed to her were from the four men in her life and she felt really anxious and curious as to what they said. With that, she quickly got ready for her appointment.

She arrived there and she was just on time. Her psychiatrist was already there and the began their session as soon as Y/N got settled in.

"Did you write to them?" Her psychiatrist, Dr. Coleman, asked. Dr. Coleman was a pretty lady. She had curly hair and was tan.

Y/N nodded.

"Did they write back?"

Y/N nodded once more.

"Did you bring them?"

Y/N wordlessly took out the four letters from her bag. All addressed to her, each with a different handwriting.

"I can tell you haven't read them yet. So here's what we'll do," Dr. Coleman began. "You'll read one letter out loud and you'll tell me how you feel about it. Alright? Let's start."

Y/N took a deep breath and picked Tom's letter first. She read it out loud and after that Dr. Coleman waited for Y/N to tell her how she felt.

"Um, I'm kinda flattered that I also hold a special place in his heart." Y/N said.

"That's it?" Dr. Coleman asked.

"I guess. I'd like to meet him someday too."

"Do you forgive him?" 

"I do." Y/N said with no hesitation.

"Okay. Let's move on to the next one." Dr. Coleman smiled.

Y/N opened Harry's letter and read it out loud. Y/N huffed, "After reading what he said, it kinda feels plastic."


"It was too formal. It's way different from the Harry I know." Y/N said.

Dr. Coleman nodded, "Then maybe he's right. He did change."

"I never thought of it that way." Y/N mumbled. "Maybe he did."

"He wrote that he was open to meeting you. Would you?"

"I would. I offered it, anyway." Y/N confessed shyly as she opened Sam's letter. She cleared her throat and read it out loud. Dr. Coleman gladly listened and she was glad that Y/N was starting to open up and voice out her feelings after receiving letters from them.

"Sincerely, Sam Holland." Y/N finished and she looked at her psychiatrist who was already looking at her, expecting another response.

"How do you feel about that?" Dr. Coleman asked.

Y/N shrugged, "I mean, I'm happy for him. I really am. I'm glad he has a little girl to love and hold and protect and I'm glad he's contented. I'm actually kinda flattered that he hoped a lot of things for me. It's a nice feeling."

Dr. Coleman smiled and nodded and gestured for Y/N to open the last letter. Y/N opened it and read the last letter out loud. It's been three years since her break up with Harrison and no other boy was next after that. Timothée tried and he was still trying. 

Y/N blinked a few times after reading it and she quickly read it again. Dr. Coleman sensed that something wasn't sitting well with her, but couldn't point it out.

"Let me guess, you didn't like his tone in the letter." Dr. Coleman said.

Y/N looked at her and nodded, "It sounded kind of rude, but at the same time I get where he's coming from. I'm confused. I'd be more than willing to see him in person so we could settle it formally."

Dr. Coleman nodded and asked, "What are your overall thoughts?"

"I'm glad I did this and I'm glad you suggested it. Somehow, it gave me closure and I really needed that. Maybe all five of us could meet and fix things, you know?"

Dr. Coleman hummed in agreement, "What about Tim?"

"What about him?"

"Are you willing to start dating him?" Dr. Coleman asked.

"I'm not really sure. I'm still scared. It's risky." Y/N frowned.

"I know, but love is about taking risks. How about just go on one date with him? Then if you don't like it, tell him both of you can just go back to the way you were. If you liked it, then it's up to you to decide if you want another date. If you don't know what to do, my door is always open for you." Dr. Coleman smiled.

"I'll do that then." Y/N grinned. 

After their session, Y/N thanked her and left. Timothée asked her out on a date once more and this time, she said yes. He felt so happy and Y/N felt nervous, but she was willing to work through it. Her heart has been through a lot, but she loved being in love. 

Maybe that's why she dated those four men. She loved the feeling of loving and caring about someone that she didn't even see that they didn't reciprocate it in the way she wanted it. Yes, it hurt. But that's just the way it is.

After one date with Timothée, they went on a couple more dates until they became official. Both of them were really glad. Timothée knew that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. Y/N was thankful that she went on a date with him. She was also thankful for the four men in her life for breaking her heart until she found the right person to give her love to. The only difference was that this time, it was reciprocated.

* * * *

im kinda sad that this is the end

Thank you for all the love and support on this book and this book just hit 1k today <3

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