The Present

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After Y/N sent out her letters to Tom, Harry, Sam, and Harrison, she didn't know what to do. Her goal was to get a response from all of them. If not, a response from one of them was enough. She just needed something to bring when she goes back to her next appointment with her shrink.

Y/N started setting up appointments a year after dating Harrison when a guy named Timothée asked her out. She said no, because she was scared that it was a bet or a dare or that she was a rebound or because he pitied her. Timothée made it clear that his intentions were far from that. In fact, he even recommended for her to go to a professional for what she was feeling.

Y/N was grateful because now, she knows what she feels. Her psychiatrist was really good to her. Y/N just hoped that the letters would work. She originally thought of sending it through e-mail, but decided against it. She wanted to personalize it and let out her feelings freely. She was really proud of herself for doing that. Timothée was proud too. He knew she was in the process of healing and he wasn't rushing, anyway. He was patient enough to wait for her. He loved her. Truly.

Meanwhile, the four men received their letters two days later it was sent.

Tom read the letter addressed to him and he remembered what he had done. He never forget about Y/N because no one could forget a girl as special as her. Tom hasn't heard from her for years, yet he still cared for her. He wished they could've stayed friends, if he were being honest.

Harry only read the letter when he got home to his flat that he shared with his fiancé. She found it and read it first. His fiancé wasn't happy that another girl sent him a letter, but when he read the letter himself, he finally understood. He then explained to her what he did and she still wasn't happy because of what he did to poor Y/N. She told Harry to immediately write back and that night, he did.

"P.S. I expect three letters from three Hollands." Sam read out loud. He immediately cringed for everything that he did in high school. Ever since his daughter was born, he immediately thought it was karma for all the girls he played with before. His daughter came in his life unexpectedly and her mother didn't want her, but Sam immediately fell in love with the idea of being a dad. So now, he's a single dad who works as a vet with a three year old daughter. As soon he put his daughter sleep, he quickly started a group call with his brothers about the letter.

"Sam? Why are you calling? Aren't you usually asleep at this hour?" Tom asked as he popped a crisp in his mouth.

"I could say the same for you, Thomas." Sam rolled his eyes.

"It's Saturday tomorrow and I'm a pre-school teacher.  I can stay up late every Friday and Saturday." Tom smirked. "Why'd you call us, anyway?"

"Yeah. This better be quick. I'm doing something." Harry said as he connected his bluetooth earpiece to his phone so he can move freely without putting the phone on his ear. He's an architect.

"I called about the letters. I assume you've received and read them by now." Sam said, finally getting to the point of his call. The other two paused for a while and Sam didn't know if he was still talking to anyone.

"Um, hello? Tom? Harry?" Sam called.

"Oh, um, yeah. 'M still here." Harry mumbled.

"Same here." Tom said and bit the inside of his cheek.

"I'm actually writing a draft as we speak." Harry confessed. "We all owe her at least that."

"Both of you do." Tom said.

"Why only us two?" Harry asked in confusion. If he recalled correctly, Tom played with Y/N too.

"Yeah, Tom. Why only us? You're the one who treated her like some rebound. All of us were at fault here. Don't act like you're clean." Sam said through gritted teeth before leaving the call.

"That wasn't cool, Tom. Just because you became her 'savior' when you told her my high school self's intention, doesn't mean she forgave you for what you've done. All you have to do is write a fucking letter, mate. You're no better than the rest of us." Harry sighed and he hung up. Tom looked at his phone and sighed. He wondered if Harrison got a letter.

Harrison did. He had to admit that the last line was kind of petty and sort of cringe worthy. But he wrote a letter, regardless. He was genuinely sorry. He should've known better. He didn't hesitate in writing Y/N a letter. 

All four men wrote a letter to her that night. They'll send them first thing in the morning.

* * * *

Sorry it's been a while.

𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚖𝚎𝚗 𝚒𝚗 𝚖𝚢 𝚕𝚒𝚏𝚎Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ