Drinks and Drunken Antics

Start from the beginning

"You haven't asked me those kinds of questions in a serious manner since high school. What gives, Muri?" I quirked an eyebrow, crossing my arms as I leaned back into my seat. Her smirk never faltered, head lifting as she replied.

"Oh nothing. Just curious when you'll finally find yourself someone to settle down with. You haven't dated much at all as far as we know... So," She pursed her lips, chin tilting down dangerously. "Spill Shota. Ya interested in anyone at school?"

Toshinori nearly choked on his water, and everyone else turned to me expectantly.

"What... The fuck?" I questioned, brows furrowed. My eyes subconciously drifted to Zashi, who seemed mildly uncomfortable. I let out a deep sigh before shaking my head, closing my eyes and raising my hands to rub my temples, exasperated.

"I don't give a fuck about that shit, Nemuri. Never have. You know this," She blew a half hearted raspberry through her red tinted lips, rolling her head playfully.

"Aww, come on. Those truth or dare games back in high school should have awakened your romantic side, I hoped," She snickered. My eyes shot to her face, glaring sharply.

"We don't bring up that shit."

"Oh! What happened, Midnight?" Vlad questioned, his words slurring, showing just how wasted his bulky ass had gotten. Lightweight. Everyone else was still quite alert, but not his drunken self.

"Story time!" Muri clapped excitedly as I groaned and threw my head back.

"MID! Please for the love of god don't tell them about-" The silky haired woman cut Hizashi off, jumping into her story animatedly.

*** Flashback//Mid's story***

"Alright, alright," Nemuri cackled, waving her hands around in an attempt to calm her roaring laughter. Our group of friends sat cross-legged in a circle, donned in casual clothing. There was Nemuri, Hizashi, Toshinori, Emi, Tensei, Rumi, and Native. And, sadly, myself.

"Shota, truth or dare?" My gaze flickered up from its place on the beige carpet to Nemuri's smiling face.
"Dare, I guess," I muttered, not really thinking too much about what she would make me do. Her eyes widened and glimmered, smile growing.

"I dare you to go spend ten minutes with Hizashi in that closet over there. Ten minutes in heaven!" My eyes widened slightly, and I felt embarrassment creep up in my throat.

"W-what?!" Hizashi stuttered, his face burning a bright shade of red, eyes darting from the giggling girl to my own grimacing face.

"Nemuri," I sighed, shaking my head and running a hand down my face.

"Go, go!" She leapt up and grabbed the both of us by the arm, shoving us into the enclosed space.

"Nem, wAIT-" 

She slammed the door shut, locking it tight, her footsteps fading away along with her high pitched giggles.

Hizashi and I were pressed up against each other in the tiny space. I could hear his heartbeat hammering against his chest, my head pressed up against the taller man snugly, both of our arms awkwardly at our sides.

"Um," Zashi started, gulping nervously, "Do you want to sit?"

I sighed in slight annoyance, not at Zashi, but at our black haired bimbo of a friend.

"How would we do that? We can barely both stand, let alone sit comfortably." Hizashi paused, seeming to mull something over in his mind before sighing and gripping me by my waist.

"Z-zashi, what the fu-" He lifted my smaller frame with ease, plopping down cross legged on the floor, swinging me into his lap with my legs wrapped around his midsection. I was grateful for the darkness of the closet, because I was sure my face was burning up intensely at the even closer proximity. My breathing quickened as my eyes began to adjust to the dark, locking on to glittering green irises gazing back at me.

"I-... Is this okay?" Hizashi questioned, his tone soft and volume at a whisper. I nodded, mumbling a shaky, "Mhm," Zashi nodded back.

After a few moments of silence only filled with our slowly calming breaths, I felt a surge of confidence come from out of the blue, and I slowly raised my arms to sit around the blonde's shoulders timidly.

"S-sho?" Zashi breathed, eyes wide and blinking owlishly.

"Yeah?" I murmured, never breaking eye contact.

"C-... C-can I..?" He trailed off, eyes darting around my face, as if he was memorizing my flustered expression. I slowly nodded once, and I felt his breathing hitch in his body. He raised his own arms, one sliding around my waist, the other settling at my neck. My legs tightened around his waist slightly as he pulled me in by my neck, pausing for a second when we were a hair apart, eyes searching mine for any kind of hesitance. When he found none, he took a deep breath, and his eyes landed on my lips. He slowly closed the distance, kissing me softly and slowly, experimentally. I reciprocated after a second, and I felt his muscles relax underneath me.

We  continued for who knows how long, things gradually heating up as time passed, but we both paused, pulling apart as footsteps approached the door. We both scrambled to our feet, adjusting our clothes quickly. I wiped my face with my shirt, clearing my throat and brushing my hair back as the door swung open.

"wElllLlLl~" Nemuri sang. She took in our flushed appearances and calming breathing, smirking at her job well done for her oblivious best friends.

"Aw man, did you guys even do anything?" We both shook our heads.

"Nope," We both spoke in unison, Hizashi's voice a lot more squeaky and nervous then my own.

Nemuri pouted, although she suspected otherwise in the back of her mind.

"Well, come on then! The party's just getting started!"

*** End Flashback//Mid's Story***

"And well, to this day I have no idea whether they got it on or not!"  (a/n - she told it from her perspective, no one knows about the kiss)    Nemuri exclaimed, causing both myself and Zashi to cringe.

"Well did you?" Snipe asked bluntly.



"Hmm," Nemuri hummed in disbelief. I was beginning to get very uncomfortable, so I cleared my throat and subtly made eye contact with Zashi, running my hand over my pulled back hair and tapping my temple thrice while doing so. He instantly got the message and pulled out his phone, pretending to receive a message.

"Aw man. Guys, I'd love to stay, but I really need to get home. My manager texted, apparently I have a new early morning gig," He sighed dramatically, standing and stretching his arms tiredly.

"I'll head out with you. I've got class in the morning and need as much sleep as possible to deal with those hooligans," I grumbled, standing and heading to Zashi's side. Nemuri narrowed her eyes skeptically, but neither of us paid any mind to her as we said our goodbyes, Hizashi's a lot more enthusiastic and upbeat then mine. Without another thought, we left together, waiting until we were far down the street to speak a word to each other.

//Sorry about the slow updates, I haven't had internet! Let me know what you think!\\

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2020 ⏰

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