Broken ankle

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Kimberly's POV

It is certainly weird for me. One of Karlie's friends, who felt like a guardian to me was a doctor and is going to look at my broken ankle.

I'm definitely certain that will happen to me with Taylor as she's studying to be a dentist and probably some of Karlie's other friends. Gigi picked me up and carried me to a new hospital.

"Here we are," Gigi says softly.

"Gigi, will this hurt," I ask nervously.

"No it won't hun, I promise I'm not gonna hurt you, sweetie," Gigi says encouragingly. Gigi carries me back to an exam room. She places me on the bed and leaves the room for a bit. I sit there looking at my broken left ankle bent and crooked at the site I see.

All I can do is really just sit here and wait. I lay there on the bed waiting for Gigi to come back. Soon enough Gigi came back into the room with Karlie.

"Hey sweetheart, are you okay," Karlie asks softly.

"My ankle hurts," I whimper.

"I know sweetie Gigi will not hurt you, just let her help heal your leg," Karlie says encouragingly.

"Okay Kim, I'm gonna start putting the cast on," Gigi says softly.

"Okay," I say nervously. Gigi starts putting on my cast and I feel some pressure until it starts getting enough. But Karlie grabbed my hands and kissed my forehead.

"You're alright, baby girl, you're doing great sweetheart," Karlie says encouragingly. Gigi finishes and hands me a pair of crutches and signs my cast. We leave and head back home.

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