Hinata wants to hookup!?

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BunniesHubby added Bunny_Waifu, ThunderGuardian and 10 others.

BunniesHubby: Yo Zuku You up for a Hookup today?

Bunny_Waifu: Hell yeah! Let's go Right now!!

BunniesHubby: Ok! Let's go!

BunniesHubby and Bunny_Waifu is now offline

ThunderGuardian: Did I just see that right?

Best Mom: Yep you did...

DinoWhore: Wtf? Is that even Hinata?

MrStealyogirl: Proud senpai is present!!

Milk_Maluce: I think that was supposed to be for that Zuku guy and not in the group..?

DinoWhore: Oh wow! The king finally used his small brain

Milk_Malice: Fuck off Tsukishima

DeadChi: I think thats his true nature.

TheSoftGiant: that's impossible! Hinata is Pure!!

Green_Bean: I guess not anymore..

Human_Hayen: Chibi-chan I want to hookup too~

BunniesHubby is now online.

BunniesHubby: Okay Meet us at XX Bar.

Human_Hayena: Great! ill bring Kenma 😉

DinoWhore: Holy Shit

Milk_Malice: Boke Hinata Boke!!

MrStealyogirl: yuhhh Hinata Get it! 🥴🥴

BunniesHubby and Human_Hayena is now offline.

TheSoftGiant: Were taking Hinata to church. And Purify him with holy water..

Best Mom: Hinata is still my Favorite child.

Milk_Malice: What!? MOM!

DinoWhore: Hinata's wearing a fucking Crop top. I'm here for it.

ThunderGuardian: I thought you hated Hinata!?

DinoWhore: Not when he looks like that.
His Friend could Get it too.

DeadChi: I'm so done with this Family..

Green bean: Hinata is doing a lap dance for some guy right now.

Best Mom: How do you guys even get there so fast!?

DinoWhore: We live around here.

Milk_Malice: of course you fucking do.

Green bean : oh my..This is Graphic..Hinata's Playing with this guy right,Tsukki?

DinoWhore: Yeah I actually feel pity towards that guy

MrStealyogirl: You guys are experiencing drama without Noya and Me!?

ThunderGuardian: Yeah!! The drama is Priority!!

Let's Get Chaotic | Haikyuu and Bnha CrossoverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora