Chapter 1

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Moraband. A dark, ghastly planet full of dark Sith worshipers and ghosts. The only sunlight I've ever seen is red, the only colors I've known was black and red. I am the princess of this planet. My father, the king has made an arrangement for me to marry the Supreme Leader of the First Order.

You see, if my father gives me up and let's them use our army then they will keep us safe. They won't destroy us. I have no choice, my father picked it for me. He says my duty is to protect my people, and this is the right choice. That if my mother were still here, she would agree. I know he is wrong, my mother was a strong woman. She would help me.

I am sitting by my window, my head laying on my arms on the window sill. "Mother I need your guidance, they plan to take me and my army. Father has shown no remorse, I believe he doesn't care about my wellbeing. Mother I can't marry this man, I believe in love. As you did. Mother I miss you." I look up into the dark red sky, hoping to hear a whisper or sign from my mother.

But I hear nothing. I am completely alone. I look down to see everyone hurrying around, preparing for the ball. I am meeting my soon to be husband tonight, I loose my so called "freedom" tonight. "Miss, time to get into your dress." A maid speaks up behind me.

I push myself up and over to the young maid. She helps me into my huge red dress. Black diamonds filled my dress, it was very elegant. She softly placed the black crown with red diamonds on my head. Letting my hair flow down. I stared at myself in the mirror as she left, I admired the beauty of the diamonds.

My face turned sour as I reached for my crown, I threw it down and backed away in disgust. I don't want this. I don't want to marry this man. For all I know, he could be some old disgusting creature.

I ran out and into my garden, once I reached far away from the castle I calmed down. I smiled at my roses, my beautiful black and red roses. When I turned the corner, I stopped to see a figure sitting upon the edge of the large red fountain.

I wandered what this thing was, it was in a black mask but red shown through the cracks. It's all black attire fit right in on Moraband. "I am a man, you ignorant fool." He spoke up, voice distorted from the mask.

I looked at him with wide eyes, "did you"

"Come closer." He finally looked up to me. I felt my feet moving for me, all the way next to him. I looked him over curiously, he had large broad shoulders. I could tell he was extremely tall, he was well built. "Why are you walking out here alone?"

"I just wanted to get away from the chaos." My eyes narrowed.

"Yeah? Me too." He looks me over. "You look like royalty."

"I- I'm just the Princesses best friend." I lied.

"I have to marry her." He looks away.

"You don't sound too happy." I sway my hand lazily in the water.

"It's arranged, of course I'm not happy. I'm just doing it for their army, it's more power and more allies. Plus apparently I need an heir for when I become Emperor."

My eyes widened, I have to give this man an heir. Hell no.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"You really don't know me? I'm Kylo Ren. Stupid girl."

"I've never been off this planet, I've never heard of the First Order until a week ago." I roll my eyes. I stare at him one last time before getting up.

"Wait you didn't tell me your name?" He grabs my hand. I stare down at his hand then back up to his mask.

"You'll find out soon." I pull my hand back and continue to exit the garden. Of course, waiting for me in my room is my father.

"My daughter, you dropped this. What did I say about being good? Your future husband is here to meet you, you must get to know him before you leave in a couple days." He pats my cheek. "Be a good girl tonight, your people depend on you."

I give him a fake smile as he replaces my crown on my head. "I'll call you into the ball room soon, be ready." He smiles and caresses my cheek. As I hear the door shut, I fall onto my knees. A loud sob escaped my lips, I cover my mouth in horror.

I let the tears stream down my face as I hug onto myself. I don't want this, I don't want to marry that arrogant man. I can't do this.
I thought for a moment about escaping. But I have no where to go, no where to hide. They will always find me.

I whipped my head around as there was a soft knock on my door. I jumped up and wiped my eyes, "Come in." I shakily said. The young maid from before entered, her soft smile faded.

"Oh no what happened?" She rushes over to me with a napkin. I look up as she wipes under my eyes. I let her redo my dark makeup, and touch up my hair. "Alright princess Y/N, it's time to go downstairs." She smiles.

I look at her in horror for a moment, I then nod and walk in front of her to the large black ballroom doors. She bows and leaves me alone, I repeatedly scratch the inside of my hand.

"Welcome my daughter, Princess Y/N!" I hear my fathers voice boom. I suck in a breathe and wait for the door to open. Once they do, I put on my fake smile again.

Standing in the back of the room, was my soon to be Husband.

Kylo Ren.

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