13. Shopping!

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Kayla's POV

"Do you see anything you like?" Emma asks.

"Well yes....but I don't know what Niall would like." I reply. We are looking for our dresses to the premiere. Yes, you heard me OUR. Emma was asked by Louis! It was so cute he was playing a video game with her and after SHE won, he asked her to go with him. Okay. It might not seem cute but you had to be there. Harry hasn't asked any one and I have a feeling he's going to ask Delia. They're on a date right now! I focus back on the dresses.

"He'd like anything on you. In fact he probably wouldn't care if you went naked..." She says wiggling her eyebrows.

"Eww. Shut up!" I say lightly slapping her.

I pull out a long mint dress. I like this. I hold it in my arms. I look for something else. I see a long red dress. On the top there was a tan fabric with the same color red flowers up my upper region. I really like this. I take this with me.

"Okay. Do you want to try on now?" I asked her.

"Yeah sure. I found a dress." She says holding up one. It was a navy blue high low dress. Louis is gonna love that!

"Nice, very Louis approved!" I said and she laughed. We make our way to the dressing rooms.

"Two." I say to the girl and she hands me a plastic card with the number two on it. I walk into a room with Emma going into the one next to me. I strip leaving on my underwear and bra. Thank god I'm wearing a tan one! I put on the mint one first. I looked at myself in the mirror. I don't really like this one. It makes me look fat. I pull that dress of and put it on the hanger. I put the red dress. Ok, I definitely like this one!

"Okay Emma. You ready?" I ask.

"Yes I'm already out."She said. Oops! I step out to see her.

"Wow! You look amazing!" I said and walked over to her.

"So do you! I am making you get that dress! It looks so good on you! Niall will love it!" she says.

"You look great too! Louis would love it!" I said.

"Really? You don't think its too revealing?" She says.

"Oh no! Plus sometimes that's a good thing!"I say giggling.

"Ahh! I'm so excited now!" She says.

"Okay, well lets look for accessories!" I say smiling.

We walk back out to the store and look at the jewelry. I'm going to wear the necklace Niall got me, so I will look for a pair of earrings to wear with it. I find a pair of silver birds. They are really cute! I think Niall will like it! I will wear my black high heels.

"I'm going to buy these. You ready?" I ask Emma. She nods her head. I notice she took off a silver necklace. It had a heart charm on it. Pretty!


Gracie's POV

I look in the mirror. This is my 10th outfit and I still haven't found anything to wear on my date with Harry. I have literally ripped everything out of my closet, and NOTHING! I notice a box in the back. I grab it and open it. Of course! I forgot about this! Its perfect! It was a dress. On the top it was one of those denim shirts and the bottom was a flowy white material. I forgot that I had bought this last year. I bought it for going to my moms rehearsal dinner for her wedding, but she ended up not marrying the guy. It was perfect though. I put it on and dried my hair from taking a shower. Once, its dry I curl it into some lose curls. I carefully do my makeup. One layer of a light pink eyeshadow and then some mascara. I grab my purse and go downstairs to wait by the door. Luckily, that is not needed cause the door bell rings as soon as I walk into the kitchen. I take a deep breath and open the door. I see my favorite curly haired boy. As he sees me his eyes widen and his jaw drops a little.

"You look beautiful." He says smiling.

"You don't look bad yourself." I say back laughing a little.

"You ready for our date?" He asks.

"Yes, where are we going?"I asked curiously.

"That is for me to know, and you to find out when we get there."He says opening the car door for me. What a gentlemen!

* * *

I watch him pull up into the beaches parking lot. Its like 9:00 and we are going to the beach? Is he crazy?! He leads me over to a area on the beach. Its a sight that makes me lose my words. A square red blanket was layed out on the sand and candles were all over the place. I notice a basket sitting on the blanket as well as a iPhone and stereo.

"Do you like it?" He asks with a nervous expression on his face.

"I love it."I say.

"Well come on." He says grabbing my hand and dragging me over to it.

"Are you hungry?"

"Ya, a little."I say. I watch him pull out some cute snacks.

"Do you like pepperoni?" He asks. I nod my head in response. He hands over a small container. I open it to see the cutest thing ever.

"Awww....Heart shaped pepperoni....That's so cute!" I say while giving him a hug.

"Liam helped me pick out most of the snacks. He said those and I thought you would like them." He said while blushing. I grab one and take a bite. I fall back onto my back and look up at the stars. Harry lays down too.

"They're beautiful...." I say.

"Yeah.. You are" Harry says making me blush.

"I meant the stars Harry..." I said while laughing a little.

"I know." He said turning on his shoulder to look at me. I turn facing him as well.

"I really like you Gracie." He says. What? he likes me!!

"I like you too Harry." I say looking into those blue/green eyes of his. He starts to lean in and I do the same. His lips come crashing onto mine and immediately sparks fly. I feel butterflies in my stomach. Who knew that a cheeky lad from Cheshire would steal my heart.



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