22. Harder than I expected

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Harry's POV
I sit and watch the cars go by with my ear buds in. Listening to One by Ed Sheeran. I never thought a long distance relationship would be hard, but I was wrong. Leaving Gracie was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I miss her. I call her and text her a lot every day. When I hear her voice it makes me want to get in a car and drive to her. I look back out the window to see little drops of water landing on the glass. This pain I'm feeling I can't describe. There's one thing I know for sure though. This is harder than I expected.....

Kayla's POV

I wake up feeling a weird feeling in my stomach. almost like something's wrong. I pull myself out of bed and into the bathroom to take a shower. After I take a shower, I grab my phone and call Niall.

"Hey Niall it's me just wondering where you went to. call me back! Love you bye!" I say into the phone after the voicemail answering machine picks up. Great. In a bus all day, parked at the same spot, by myself. What am I suppost to do?

I walk to the kitchen and see a note in the table. Next to it, laid a perfect pink iced doughnut. My favorite. The note read...

'Morning princess! I got you breakfast and I'm going to a interview. I won't be back till 6. get in a dress we are going out after. Love you! -Niall💚'

Well that explains why he and the boys are gone. Grabbing the doughnut, I sit on the couch and look for a show or movie to watch. I see The Haunted, which just so happens to be my like favorite show, and click on it. This is going to be a long day.....

*now 5pm*
I look through my closet trying to find something to wear. Why didn't I bring like any cute dresses?! I pull out a cute pink dress. I grab a black belt to go with it. Quickly putting it on and fixing my makeup I put on black heels, I walk to the couch space. I watch the TV for a while until Niall and the boys get home.
"You ready princess?" Niall asks.

"Yes let's go!" I say walking over to him. We walk out the door and into the car. I still feel like something's wrong but I just ignore it.

We pull up to Valentines, a fancy restaurant.
On the ride back we were both jamming out to LA LOVE.
"Every city every state every country you know this is how it goes........" I sing.

Niall's phone goes off, and he answers it.

"Hey Harry what's up."

"What?!"he yells into the phone.

"Mate I can't understand you calm down."

"Oh my god." he says making me worried.

"Okay. We'll be back in a little."

"Bye." he finishes hanging up the phone.

"What was that about?" I ask.

"It's Gracie. She's in the hospital."

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