"I know, he's not exactly my type in that manner... but I don't know, he's sweet. He's really nice to me, he's funny, and he's not the typical office pencil-pusher type." Sam nodded, as if reading me like a book that I was comparing Trevor to Dean in my mind. Shitty part was that Trevor was drawing the short end of the stick. Dean nodded and then smiled politely, which I knew was fake of course. "Well, that's a bit of a surprise... but I'm happy for you, Y/n." Him saying my name made me want to grab him and kiss him. I wanted to pull him from the booth and throw him in the back seat of my truck. I kept imagining straddling his lap, kissing him deeply as he pulls at my body. Shit. No. I can't.

"Thanks, Dean. It's an adjustment to have someone there every day. But I like it." Sam raised an eyebrow but smiled. "Yeah, I'm happy for you too, Y/n." Before I could act on the things going on in my head, and become a cheater in my first real relationship, my name was called at the counter. "It was so nice to see you two again. Maybe check in once in a while instead of these random drop ins." I said with a smile. Dean nodded, "Yeah, here.... take my new number and text me later on. I'll try to keep in touch a little better." I hugged them both before paying for and grabbing my food. With a final wave, and longing look toward Dean, I was gone.

The whole way home I kept thinking of Dean. I couldn't help but long for him. To want his touch on my body, and have his lips on mine. God what was I doing with Trevor?That's easy enough to answer, Trevor gives me the safety and stability I can't get from Dean. But, Dean is the one I have always wanted to belong to. However, he's always on the road and his work is dangerous enough that I never know if he will come back alive. That isn't what I want in a relationship, is it? God, seeing him again made me think maybe it was.

I parked my truck at Trevor's and went back inside. He smiled sweetly as he glanced up at me, and it didn't give me the feeling I long for. His eyes didn't travel over my body like Dean's always have. He took his box of food when I offered it then turned back to his work. "Thanks, honey." He said distracted. I inwardly sighed, there really just isn't that spark between us. There never was, I just felt safe and he was the opposite of Dean. I shook those thoughts out of my head and smiled back at him, though he wasn't looking at me anymore. "You're welcome, Trev."

When two days had passed and I couldn't stop thinking of Dean I decided to finally text him.

Me: Hey, Dean. It's Y/n. It was so nice to see you again.
Dean: Hey. Yeah, it was really nice to see you. It's always nice to see that pretty smile.
Dean: Sorry, that isn't appropriate anymore.
Me: Neither are the thoughts I've been having since I saw you. They won't stop.
Dean: If I had known you were in a relationship I would've just stayed away.
Me: No, I'm glad you were here. It's the fact that I wish things could've gone differently. That's my problem... because I shouldn't be thinking them but I am.
Dean: What are you saying?
Me: If things were different in my situation... do you think we could try things? Like really try?
Dean: Honey, you know the life I live.
Me: And I also know how much I want you. I don't feel like that about Trevor.
Dean: Sweetheart, I need you to understand that I really still won't be there all the time. You shouldn't leave him for me.
Me: But, we could figure things out.
Dean: Maybe. Possibly. Would that make you happy?
Me: Having you would make me happy.
Dean: Baby, are you sure? I would definitely try. You're worth trying for. Seeing you, and not getting to touch you, knowing you were someone else's drove me insane.
Me: Yes. I'm ending things with Trevor either way. He's too nice to string along when I know the feelings aren't there. It's up to you, you can stop and get me on your way back home.
Dean: Y/n, I want you so much. Right now.
Me: I'm home alone. Call me if you want help with that.

God this was horrible of me. I was cheating on Trevor. I was planning to run off with someone else. I was offering to have phone sex with someone else. But, my mind and body were longing for Dean.

Smut below in the form of phone sex!

Five minutes later I got that phone call. As soon as I answered it I heard a shower running. "Hey there, handsome." I said softly. He groaned, "Baby, what are you doing to me?" "Not enough. You'll have to do it to yourself." I flirted shamelessly. "I'm alone for a bit. God I want you." He said hoarsely, telling me he was turned on. "Close your eyes, and imagine me there next to you, standing right there in that water." He groaned again. Those throaty, animal like groans always come deep from his throat when he's needy.

"God, I'll make your legs shake. I can feel you on me... I want to grab your hair and pound into you." He moaned. "Yeah, just like that. Pull my hair like a bad girl." I started feeding into what he wanted from me. It's been a while since we've done anything in person. "Dammit. Yes. Fuck, y/n. I want to feel you on me while I cum." He moaned a little louder.

After a few more minutes he was groaning more and more. "Oh, yes... Dean... give me every inch of you. Just like that. Make me scream." "Oh fuck... that perfect body... that ass shaking... let me mark you up for everyone to see. Fuuuuckkk." He moaned and his voice cut off into only moans and breathy groans. That sound was so familiar to me. He was cumming. Hard. I guess it's been a while for him. I bit my lip picturing it.

"Oh fuck, y/n." I felt both turned on and guilty. I sighed, "I'll be ready if you decide to pick me up." And I hung up the phone

End of phone smut

Instead of putting it off any longer I messaged Trevor and asked if I could come see him. He said yes, so I went over to his house. I braced myself to break things off. We haven't gotten very serious. We just started having sex a couple weeks ago.

"Hey, cutie pie." He said with a smile as he opened his door. I inwardly cringed at how cutesy he was; not like Dean who was more callous and mature. "Hi, Trevor. I have something to tell you, and I think I should just say it and not waste your night beating around the bush." He raised an eyebrow and sort of froze in his spot. I sighed softly and looked up at him apologetically. I didn't want to hurt him. Whether I go off with Dean of not, Trevor deserves someone who really wants him and appreciates his cutesy way of caring for his girlfriend.

I bit my lip, "I think we should break up. It's not working for me like I wanted it to. And if I'm being totally honest it's partly because of someone else coming back into my life." His face fell into a sadness I hoped wouldn't stay there long after I'm gone. I just needed to be clear and direct. There isn't going to be any 'let's work on things getting better'.

"Oh, well... I'm sorry that you feel that way. I appreciate your honesty though. So, you're going to be with someone else?" I shrugged, "It's possible. If I am, though, I'll be gone from here for good. I just figured that if I feel that way it's only fair to let you move on to someone who doesn't want to be with someone else." He nodded, "Alright. Well, thank you for being honest. I do appreciate you looking out for myself as well. You're right, I deserve someone who wants me just as much as I want them."

Awkwardly I left and went home to pack. I was being that girl. I was packing up all my things in case Dean decided to come for me. I wanted to be ready. I didn't want to leave anything important behind. But, I was also taking all of my personal stuff if he really comes. I'd hire a moving truck and come back to get my furniture and things.

I had three bags; clothes, shower things, feminine products, a couple books, a photo album, and anything small that was worth money. I made sure all my windows and both my doors were locked, and secured shut with extra locks.

Four days later there was a firm knocking on my door. I jumped to my feet and raced to open it. There stood the man I was waiting for. "You came." I said a little surprised. He didn't speak. Instead he grabbed my face in both hands and firmly pressed his lips into mine.

He quickly had me pinned against the closed door and was pulling at my clothes.

Later on he kissed the top of my head and pulled me close, "Are you 100% sure you want to abandon your life and go live in the bunker?" I nodded and ran my hand through his hair. "Yes, I don't want anything else. I am yours. I want to live my life protected and loved in a way nobody else can give me."

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