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"They are a poem in a world still learning their alphabet"

"They are a poem in a world still learning their alphabet"

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GINNY: Did you learn English because you live with Bill?

FLEUR: No, Everyone at Beauxbatons iz required to take English

GINNY: Oh, I just thought that's where you learnt

FLEUR: Well he never bothered to learn french while living with me so...


RITA: Are you close with your in-laws?

FLEUR: Oui bien sûr, Molly and I would have some tea every afternoon before going on a stroll

BILL: Mr. Delacour once left me in a supermarket... intentionally

RITA: How long would you talk to your in-laws

FLEUR: Oh I could talk to Molly for hours on end!

BILL: Mr. Delacour does not let me talk. He says I lower the IQ of everyone in the country.

RITA: How would you describe your relationship with your in-laws

FLEUR: Molly iz my best friend. Sometimes I don't even think of her as my mother in-law

BILL: It's a love-hate relationship. With the hate mostly from his side.

RITA: How would you spend the day with your in-laws

FLEUR: We would go shopping, have some tea, maybe watch a movie

BILL: I would say fishing but Mr. Delacour pushed me in the water and said it was an accident. He put air quotes around accident.

RITA: Last question. Do you feel like your in-laws make you feel welcome in their culture and traditions

FLEUR: Without a doubt. Molly did knit me the most beautiful sweater for Christmas and she even celebrated Jour de Bastilles with me!

BILL: Mr. Delacour will intentionally talk in french when I enter the room because I don't know french. Although I know what bête means!


FLEUR: Bill, you will still love me when I'm old and wrinkly right?

BILL: Of course I will, but don't make that a goal


FLEUR: Where do you see yourself in five years

BILL: Loving you

FLEUR: Aww... After ten years

BILL: Loving someone else

FLEUR: Bill!! After everything we went through!!

BILL: She's going to be young and pretty and her name is going to be Emily Weasely and she is going to call you mom.

FLEUR: Bill, we are not naming our daughter Emily. I was thinking Victoire

BILL: That's perfect


FLEUR: C'est tellement agréable de parler à quelqu'un en français autre que ma famille (It is so nice to talk to someone in french other than my family)

SIRIUS: Ma famille s'est moquée de moi pour avoir appris le français mais regardez-moi maintenant parler à la belle femme de Bill (My family made fun of me for learning French, but now look at me, talking to Bill's beautiful wife)

BILL: I heard my name, you guys better not be talking about me!

SIRIUS: Ne connaît-il jamais le français?(Does he still not know French)

FLEUR: Si, il ne connaît pas français. Il habit avec moi pour trois ans mais non! J'ai pense que il apprenions un ou deux mots. J'ai pense faux (Yes, he doesn't know french. He's been living with me for the past three years but no! I thought that he will learn one or two words. I thought wrong)

BILL: Non tu ne pense pas faux. J'apprends un peu (No, you didn't think wrong. I understand a little)*texts Gabrielle thank you*


RON: Bill, I have to tell you something

BILL: Okay

RON: Fleur kissed me

BILL: She what!?

FLEUR: I what!?

RON: Yeah, um... during my fourth year in Hogwarts

FLEUR: Oh je sais, 'Arry had saved me sister's life and Ron was just there so yeah I kissed him. Right there on the cheek


VICTOIRE: Dad, can I go outside


VICTOIRE: It's only for half an hour!

BILL: No means no

VICTOIRE: Why not?

BILL: You're part veela. Boys will stare. I don't want that for my baby girl just yet

FLEUR: *Laughing really hard*

BILL: Why are you laughing

FLEUR: I'm sorry, I don't mean to laugh but... Iz okay Bill. I learnt how to keep zee men away. She will learn too

BILL: You never managed to keep me away

FLEUR: I didn't want to not did I think I needed to 

VICTOIRE: Great, can I go outside now?


FLEUR: Bill where were you? It'z been eight hours

BILL: Some dimwit asked why I loved you

FLEUR: And it took you eight hours to explain that!

BILL: No, I only explained about 10% percent of the reasons. It will take me 80 hours to explain the whole thing

FLEUR: I have the best husband ever


BILL: I want to steal something, want in?

FLEUR: What are we stealing?

BILL: You steal my heart and I'll steal yours deal?

FLEUR: Bill, we've been married for three years. If you still think that my heart iz not yours en zere iz something wrong with you


{Christmas time}

FLEUR: And this one is for you

MOLLY: For me?

FLEUR: Yes for you!

MOLLY: *opens the gift and finds a purple sweater with a golden M* Oh my goodness!

FLEUR: I noticed every Weasley has one except you, so knitted you one

MOLLY: It's absolutely perfect. Oh, best gift ever!!!


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