x finds out their value fr this time

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yeah im continuing this, what are you gonna do about it? im rlly sorry. this is still a joke,, 

||X'S POV||

four seemed a bit off today. i wasn't completely sure why. now that i think of it, i don't remember  anything that happened yesterday. what happened at the equation playground? why hadn't we found out my value yet? maybe finding out was harder than i thought. i was snapped out of my thoughts when i heard four say something.

"since 8 wasn't your value, lets add on more!" four said, throwing more numbers onto the seesaw. 

four frowned as they saw it wasn't equal. they then added more numbers, until eventually coming to a working equation. four got excited, finally they could figure out x's value! the two worked on the equation until they eventually got to the solution. 

"oh! x = 7, so i'm seven!" i said excitedly.

"yeah, and its lucky too!" four replied.

i smiled, finally i knew what my value was!

"thank you four!" i said, as i jumped onto them and wrapped them in a giant hug. four seemed to be in shock for a few seconds, but they then hugged back. "i can't believe i finally know what my value is!" i said, and pulled out of the hug.

"so now that you know your value, what do you want to do?" four asked, seeming a bit nervous.

i looked around, searching for something i could do. then, my eyes locked on four, who was also staring at me. i blushed a bit, then let out a soft "i'm not sure.."


i gazed into x's eyes, not even realizing they even said anything. i just focused on them. suddenly, i felt my body shaking.

"four, four?!" x said, their hands gripping on my arms, shaking me back and forth.

i shrieked, and just realized i must have been staring for too long. i felt my face get red and quickly snapped out of my thoughts.

"well uhm.. we could always go back to my place!" four said, hoping x would accept.

four saw x's blush get darker. does x feel the same way?  four thought. 

"y-yeah sure!" x stuttered.

i smiled, and stood up. i brushed myself off then started walking in the direction of my house. before going too far, i grasped x's soft hand and continuing walking to my place. 

this was gonna be fun.




x finds out his TRUE value // bfb 4xWhere stories live. Discover now