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You closed the door behind you and sighed. Why does it make me so mad whenever she is over? You thought to yourself. You looked out the window and saw Kelli getting in her car. She was yelling, and you could only hear the words that hurt you.
"She is disgusting! How could you say she is pretty?!" Kelli yelled
"She is! But you are prettier! Baby, I would never date her." Ryan Shouted calmly
"Whatever! We will talk about this later!" Kelli yelled slamming her car door closed. She quickly drove off and just in the distance you saw a middle aged woman running over to Ryans house.
"Oh god! This'll be good!" You laugh as you open up your window to hear them better.
"SO FIRST YOU SQUIT IN THIS HOUSE, THEN YOU RUIN MY LIFE JUST BY LIVING NEXT TO ME, AND NOW YOU ARE CHEATING!?!" the woman screamed in Ryans face, he just laughed and walked back in his house, she was trying to open up his door but he locked it when he closed it, then she tried to open up his windows, whoever this lady was, you could tell she was insane! The lady gave up and screamed "This isn't over!" As she stomped away she even stuck her tounge out like a child!
You laugh and shut your window, That stupied bitch you thought to yourself. You turned on Netflix and started watching (your favorite show), but about 15 mineuts later you heard a knock on your door, it was one of those annoying knocks that sounded like someone was trying to impersonate the police! You walk over to the door and open it up, and as soon as you do see the same middle aged woman standing there,
"So! Are you and Ryan dating? Are guys married or Going to get married? Are you both 2 timing on your REAL lovers? Can you tell him to stop interfering with my life?! And-" She said before you cut her off
"Ma'am, me and Ryan aren't dating or together at all, and from the looks of just a couple mineutes ago, YOU are the one interfering with his life." You say. The woman points her finger at you and gets real close to your face
"Listen here, I am older than you meaning I am wiser and you should respect me!" She says as her spit hits your face, you wipe it off.
"So you aren't dating Ryan?" She continued
"No, I am not" you reply
"Then why was his girlfriend so mad when he called you pretty?!" She asked getting closer to you
"Ma'am, please leave her alone she has nothing to do with this!" You hear a voice come from beside you, you turn your head to look at the person, it was Ryan...!
"She has nothing to do with this? Then why are you defending her?!" The woman started to get closer to Ryans face,
"Because you are asking her questions like you are the FBI and you are also trying to invade her privacy" Ryan said backing away from her
"There is something going on between you guys!" She said as she stompted away again.
"Sorry" he apologized
"Its cool. " you say
"Do you want to hang out?" He asked
"Sure!" You say with a smile
"Cool. Cool." He laughs,
"One second I just gotta put my shoes back on" you say as you walk into your house to grab your black converse. You both talked as you walked to the nearest coffee shop, which was only about 2 miles away, he teased you a little bit, it was almost like he knew you had feelings for him. When you arrived at the Café you both sat down in the seats right next to the window.
"So...how many times do you come here?" You ask
"A lot! This is my favorite place!"Ryan replied
"Oh cool!" You say messing with your hands
"Here are you menus snd right is is the couples section for you two if you are interested." The waitress said handing you both the Menus
"Oh no we-"
"Thats cool what do you recommend we get?" Ryan asked. You looked at him in confusion
He orders for you.
"It's cheaper" he laughed when the waitress left
"Ohhh okay. Makes sense!" You say
You both eat and walk back. When you got back to your house he grabs your sleeve and pulls you towards him,
"I don't get a hug goodbye?" He asked as he towers over you, before you respond he wraps his arms around you and rests his head on yours.
"Bye" he says letting go and then walking away

Scrubby x reader👁👄👁Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang