Chapter I: Wish I Were...

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•✦.✧. Summary .✧.✦•

"Let's just say that first loves are truly something else."

━•✦.✧. Warnings .✧.✦•━

* Small Angst
* Ravenclaw reader ( I hope that won't sway your opinion on the fic! )
* I pushed back Newt and Leta's friendship back one year. That's all.
* Pssst. Victoria is my HP/FBAWTFT OC~~


(Y/N) and Newt were walking down the halls from Professor Dumbledore's class, heading over to the library. She hadn't noticed the cold until a breeze passed through the empty hall. She shivered. "Ah shoot. I forgot my robe in his class," (Y/N) mumbled, rubbing her upper arms.

Her mind soon became focused on one thing, staying warm. The walk to the library was starting to feel like a long journey. 'Hot chocolate, being home, sunshine, summer, warm hugs from Newt-' She repeated the mantra in her head. Wait- warm hugs from Newt?

The feeling of a warm cloth being placed over her shoulders broke her from her trance. (Y/N) looked at the source of her newfound warmth- Newt's robe. She quickly looked up at her Hufflepuff friend, "Newt! But you'll get cold!"

Newt let out a soft chuckle. "You know, for a Ravenclaw, you're quite forgetful."

(Y/N) blushed, "D-Don't you start, Newton!" She stuttered. Now, there were only two instances where she would use his full first name: whenever the situation was serious or just to tease him. Thankfully, this moment was the latter of the two.

"Besides, it looks better on you than it did me." He said, giving her a charming smile.

Oh, how she loved his smile. It gave her a feeling of butterflies. 'Only if you knew how much I liked you...' She thought as she hugged his Hufflepuff robes closer to her body.


This is how they've always been. Their friendship started during their first year at Hogwarts. During a Hufflepuff-Ravenclaw joint class for Potions, Newt had a little trouble getting some ingredients from a shelf that was just out of his reach. Until a Ravenclaw girl from his year helped. Then he realized that they shared more classes than he originally thought. From then on, they were inseparable. Back then, she'd tease him because of his height. Now, she couldn't say anything. He basically towered over her and they were only in their third year of Hogwarts.

What she didn't expect was to fall in love with him. How cliche. She loved his personality- a gentle soul whose loyalty matched no other. She loved the way he'd care for magical creatures. He didn't trap them and use them for his personal gain. No- that wasn't Newt. He kept magical creatures to study them. So he could prove to the world that they weren't as dangerous as the books made them.

She fell in love with his smile. A smile that always followed his laugh. The way the corners of his eyes would crinkle when he was in pure happiness. She fell in love with the color of his eyes. They were a mix of blue and green- not really one or the other, but somehow merging together to form into its own.

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