♤Is This Enough♤

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While waiting for their turn Johnny keot going on about how much he loves his boyfriend Ten. Jungwoo thought that was really cute and kept crying over how cute they are. Everyone was staring at them but they didn't care. They were having fun.

Evetually their turn came. Johnny ordered both coffees. When they got their orders they noticed the barista misspelled Jungwoo's name to 'Johnuh(?)'. They laughed about it a lot.

They drank their coffees on their way to school. They finished them just before they could see the school building.

"Johnny, how did you confess to Ten after you found out he's your soulmate before he got his soulmate tattoo?"
"Hm, I think I first broke up with Jaehyun who was very understanding and then after a couple of weeks of being sad over breaking up with Jaehyun I just asked Ten to meet up, told him about the tattoo and he surprisingly shared the same feelings so now we're together. Why so curious though?"
"Oh, well, I don't know. I guess it's because you were talking about how much you love Ten so I just got curious." Jungwoo fake-chuckled.
"Yeah, sure. Bet it's because you don't know how to confess to your soulmate."
"Pshh, what? No, no way."
"Anyways who is it?"
"No one important, don't worry."
"So secretive."
"Of course."

They walked in the school and were immediately greeted by their sweet friend, Hendery being chased around by their other sweet friend, Kun with a shoe.

"Don't swear!"
"I'm 17 years old! I can swear!"
"You're a child!"
"No, I'm almost an adult!"
"A CHILD!" Kun finally caught Hendery and hit him in the head with the shoe a couple of times.

"Hope you learnt your lesson." said Kun, putting his shoe back on.
Hendery fake cried.
"Stop exaggerating. Some people have had it worse." said Doyoung.
"Baby, we talked about this." said Taeyong.
"Why so emo?" asked Mark.
There was a second of silence. Haechan grinned as he got an idea. Everyone knew what he was about to do, but before they could stop him, the sentence already left his mouth.
"They laugh at me because I'm emo~"
"You are so dead, Lee Haechan." said Doyoung.
"Babe, no."

And then the bell rang. They all scrambled around to their classrooms.

After homeroom, Jungwoo walked to his history class. He was really happy and relieved to see that he has the same funny history teacher from last year. He walks in the class and firstly greets the teacher. He then looks around the class to check if he sees any familliar faces and, there he is. Lucas.

Jungwoo obviously sat next to him. And, to his surprise, Dongho isn't there. This is paradise for him. A class he enjoys with his favourite teacher, sitting next to his crush and no sign of a Lee Dongho? Heaven.

The whole lesson was filled with laughter. They couldn't breathe properly because they were laughing too much.

At break time Jungwoo decided to be alone so he could do some research, so he went to his spot. It's been a while since he's been there.

He sat down and immediately took a deep breath and exhaled. For sone reason, he felt safe. This is the closest thing he has to a home. Sure, he lives in a house but having a home isn't all about that. It's about where you feel safe and happy.

However, this fantasy only lasted for a couple of seconds until Jungwoo realised he has to look for stuff. What stuff, you ask? Jobs. He promised his mom something, didn't he?

And he looked and looked but to no avail. He didn't find any job that fits perfectly with his already existing job and his school life. He's gonna have to try again later.

He got all his stuff and walked towards class. He was a bit down that he didn't find one but he wasn't gonna give up. Not this easily. He promised something so he's gonna keep his promise. He's determined to help.

The next 2 classes were as boring as ever. Of course, Dongho is in both of them.All he heard throughout the lessons is "fag" and "disgusting faggot". Not the most pleasant experience if you ask me. Of course, Dongho 'accidentally' threw his ruler at Jungwoo a few times. But Jungwoo didn't have any time to worry about that. He had to figure out what the fuck he's gonna do. He's not quite stressed yet but he knows that if he doesn't find a job any time soon, million white hairs will start growing out of his head.

And, the bell rang for the last time that day and they were dismissed to go home.

Jungwoo walked with Doyoung and Taeyong home, since Taeyong is sleeping over at Doyoung's. He mostly thrid wheeled for like 7 minutes until they reached Doyoung's house but that's okay. He wasn't in the mood of talking anyway. He was in deep thought about this whole fucked up situation.

As soon as Jungwoo got to his room, he slid the backpack off his shoulders and immediately sat at his desk to do try to find jobs. He sat in front of that computer for hours, ignoring his basic human needs, like hunger or thirst. He felt like if he took a 5 minute break to go eat something he'll be running out of time.

Eventually, he finally found one job that sounds pretty good. It's delivering newspaper on people's front porch in the very-early morning. He had to do that every morning at 5 AM until he gave all of the respective newspapers that day.

So, the next day, he woke up at 4 AM, changed and went to his backyard. There he found his bike he hasn't used ever since he was like 14. He's a bit too tall for it but he'll have to manage working on that right now. He then walked out of the house and started riding the bike.

When he got to the adress shown on his phone he knocked on the door of the garage and was greeted by a man sitting in front of thousands of newspapers.

"Who are you, kid?"
"My name is Kim Jungwoo, I am 18 years old and I would like to take the job offer I found online."
"What a hardworking kid." said the man in a pretty sarcastic tone. "Well how about you deliever this stack and then we'll talk about it. By the way, I'm Mr. Lee for you."
Mr. Lee dropped a pretty heavy stack of newspapers in Jungwoo's arms.
"Actually, after I finish delivering these papers I'll have to be on my way to school. But I can come afterwards."
"Damn, kid, you really like making things difficult. Fine. I'll be generous this time. You have until 4 PM to be back here."
"Thank you so much, sir! I'll get going now."

Jungwoo ran back to his bike. He threw the stack in his bike's basket and started peddling away.
He threw and threw papers on people's porches until he had none left to throw. He checked the time and noticed it only took him 45 minutes to do all of that. Bad thing is, he doesn't know where the hell he is so he had to use Google Maps to get to school. Kind of embarrassing.

"Damn, boy! Where you got that bike from?" asked Johnny.
"Your mom's garage." said Ten.

The rest of the school day was uneventful as ever. He rode back to Mr. Lee's house.

"I didn't think you'd actually come back. I kinda wish you didn't."
"Anyways, how long did it take you to deliever those."
"45 minutes."
"Damn, you're fast. I didn't expect that from you."
What's it with Lee's just hating Jungwoo?
"So, did I get the job?"
"Yeah, yeah. Why not? Here's your pay for those ones." he gave him $10.
"Thank you so much, sir!"
"Now get out of my face."
"Yes, sir!"

Jungwoo went back home, happy. He almost fell off his bike when he got a phone call. It was Mr. Park, asking him if he can cover Wendy's shift that's in an hour. He agreed. He went home quickly, dropped his stuff, took his work uniform and went back.

His 3 hour shift was uneventful too. No Karens. No Kevins. No nothing. Only a couple of teenagers every now and then.

Jungwoo got home and was, surprisingly, greeted by his mom.

"So? How did everything go?"
"I got another job today and I already got paid $10 from it and I covered a shift at the convenience store today so I'll get paid at the end of the week for that one too." said Jungwoo, proudly.
"Only $10? That's it? That's not enough for the bills, Jungwoo. You need to do better. For me."
"Yes, mom." said Jungwoo, in a gloomy tone.

Of course, he spent the rest of the night looking for even more jobs. He didn't even get one minute of sleep.

Your Tattoo{LuWoo FanFic}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz