Kartika smiled when she saw the two of them. "Mama!" Ranga shouted as he usually did and leaped into her arms. Just then Ranga's father walked in. Ranga squirmed out of his mother's hug and ran to his father. "Ayah!" he shouted. Ranga's father picked him up and tossed him in the air before grabbing him in a big bear hug. Kartika smiled and shook her head. "You should see how the two of them are at home. So noisy!" Ranga and his father walked out. Kartika smiled again. "Our visit with Dr. Bronsky went well. Ranga will be getting hearing aids in a couple days. He is actually very excited about them. Thank you for talking with him. You made him feel a lot better." Kartika glanced over at Jason who still seemed engrossed in his book and her smile became mischevious. "I'd love to talk but I'd better go. Ranga and Rizky are waiting for me. Plus..." Her eyes twinkled and she glanced over at Jason again and lowered her voice a bit. "I think you have someone waiting for you." 

Liora blushed and was about to protest but Kartika's smile only grew wider. She knew that any attempt at denial would only make Kartika suspect her more. Plus, she didn't want Jason to catch wind of their conversation. She wasn't entirely sure he was as engrossed in his book as he seemed. She simply smiled and said goodbye to Kartika. Kartika gave her one last  mischevious smile and walked out.

Liora turned to collect the book off the couch and put it away. Jason looked up. "Oh, is it time to go already?" he asked. He acted as if he had been oblivious to Ranga leaving and Liora's conversation with Kartika. But Liora suspected that he had really been listening in on the conversation and didn't want her to know. Liora hid her suspicions, giving him an innocent smile. She figured if he had been listening, she would find out sooner or later. She turned to him. "You were really engrossed in your book." Jason looked at her, the picture of wide-eyed innocence, and nodded. "Yes, it is really fascinating." He grinned at her and Liora was sure he had been eavesdropping. She had no real desire to bring it up. That was a conversation she wasn't ready to have. 

Jason put away his book and came to join her. "I have tennis practice tomorrow so Christina will be joining you. I know she's your favorite," he laughed. Liora joined in on the teasing. "Of course she is. But I like having you around too," she teased. Jason looked sideways at her and his smile deepened. "I hope so. I'm not as bubbly and outgoing as Christina but I think I can be fun. And I really enjoy your company, Liora," he added, turning serious. They looked at each other openly but before it could turn awkward, Jason started joking again. "We need to have you over for dinner so we can have a do-over. Your first introduction to our family was a little rough. Getting knocked over by Moose....getting knocked over by me. I'm surprised you didn't run for the hills after that welcome. But I'm glad you stayed. Everyone is. My parents really like you. They weren't just being nice when they said you could come over anytime. They really meant it." He looked at her and smiled. "That isn't always the case with all of the friends Christina and I have brought over. They are nice to everyone but they've taken care to distance us from bad influences. I guess you could say they've brought us up on the 'straight and narrow.' No wild parties for me."

"Well, I haven't gone to any parties, period. So, I guess you have me beat there," Liora joked. "Oh, if you want to go to a party, I could definitely get you in," Jason's expression was teasing. "Maybe not the wild parties...but I have the feeling you wouldn't enjoy those anyway. But I have some friends from church that regularly all hang out....even some of my tennis teammates have parties that I go to often...and there's no drinking or anything. Just spending time with each other. We would love for you to join us."

"Thank you but I don't think I'm very good at parties," replied Liora. "It's hard for me to hear in a big group of people...and if you add music, that's even worse. It gets overwhelming for me and I usually just want to go off by myself...or go home. I don't enjoy it and I'm not very fun. So, I'd rather just stay home."

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