Chapter 17: Tsunade's Truth Bombs

Start from the beginning

He grinned at her but looked back at Hinata. "Chuunin exams, huh? Brings back a lot of memories."

She laughed, too, remembering the first time they had all grown closer, him, her, and the rest of their classmates. "Yes, it does."

They continued smiling at each other without saying a word until Hanabi grew impatient.

She folded her arms. "So you heard then? I made it through the third round. I know Konohamaru's your protege and everything, but I'm going to crush him."

Naruto chuckled. "You can try. But he might surprise you."

Hanabi only gazed at him. Her lavender eyes, so similar to her sister's, were cool and assessing. He squirmed under her scrutiny. Damn, Naruto thought, as he finally understood why the Hyuugas were waiting for her to be clan leader.

She glanced at her older sister then back at his face. There was a slight widening in her eyes but she humphed.

Naruto kept the smile on his face. Hanabi. So young, but there was the same fierce expression on her face that he'd seen on all of the Hyuugas. It reminded him a lot of Neji.

"I'm expecting both of you to give it your all," he told her. "I know first hand how you Hyugas fight. The chuunin exams was where I proved myself. You guys probably will, too. This match between you and Konohamaru will be amazing to watch. I can't wait to see it."

Hanabi's eyes gleamed with sudden appreciation. He didn't know it, but he'd just given her the best compliment by acknowledging her worth as a warrior. It earned him her undying respect.

She turned back to her sister and declared, "Onee-sama, if he's really the one you want, he'll do."

"Hanabi!" Hinata said with a shriek and an apologetic glance at him.

There was confusion on his face. Want him?

But Hinata quickly said, "Are you here to have your arm checked? I saw Tsunade-sama earlier today. She said you were in town and she's expecting you."

He nodded and held out the bandaged arm. It was dirty and it needed some changing. "She's going to give me hell for this."

She smiled in sympathy. "Yes, she will."

Hinata glanced at her sister, who was staring at her face with a gleam in her eyes. Before Hanabi could say anything, she placed her hand over her younger sister's mouth then said, "I'm taking Hanabi home, so I'll see you around?"

Naruto grinned at both of them. "Yeah, I'll see you guys around. Bye, Hanabi!"

Hanabi stepped away and stood back a little away from her sister's reach. She inclined her head regally into a little bow.

"Naruto-sama," she said coolly.

His grin widened.

The sisters headed for the entrance. He watched both of them leave, still a smile on his lips. As they were about to step out, he saw Hinata reach out and tuck a stray lock of her sister's hair behind her ears and cup her on the cheek with the scratches. Hinata said something that made Hanabi beam and look up at her older sister with adoration. They walked down the steps toward home.

Naruto looked down at his hand. He wondered how it would feel if Hinata touched him the way she'd just touched her sister's face...

Damn, he thought, what the hell was wrong with him today? He was frowning as he made his way towards Tsunade's office.

Unbidden, he recalled their earlier conversation four years ago, when they'd been sitting in front of Neji's grave.

Her asking, "How do you feel about me?"

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