Part 3

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        The rest of the month of August went as expected, socially awkward, scary older guys with beards that are like 7 ft tall mixed with 5 feet tall freshman who are lost and worried if they are going to make it to their next class on time. 

        That first month was very scary, yet exciting. I felt like I had just been placed on a different planet, a strange planet with teenagers, strict teachers, and a crap ton of homework; but I was okay. I had made it to September. 

        The upperclassmen on the leadership team were holding a freshman dance. Everyone was saying to go, so I gave in and made my friends go with me. I got there and was really overwhelmed, I am so not a party person and was immediately pulled into a giant dance circle and the music took me away. I was at my first high school dance, COOL! 

                All of a sudden I realized that someone was standing near me and she smiled. I smiled back and she said, "...hey, I am waiting for my friends to get here, could I follow you around for a little while?" I said, "... yeah sure!" So she did, and we talked for awhile about school, and we realized we had a few classes together. I started getting really intrigued by her smile, I started  thinking about the whole thing, "she is really nice, and pretty, and she said hi to me first, she is really easy to talk to, and wow does she look good in that dress.... wait what the heck am I doing, what is going on? omg, I am attracted to her.... ahhhhh what?!"

        I went to go get a drink and try and forget about the whole thing, when I came back she was gone. 

        And that my friends is how the biggest crush of my entire life began...



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