xiv : Promises

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𝕂 . 𝕋 ℍ

Promise: (1) A request usually used after getting told a secret (2) A swear to not break a certain request or expose a secret


"What have i told you about bringing other people here?" Both boys took a step away from each other, faces flushed, "S-sorry auntie Lee," jungkook says, bowing his head, she sighs as she enters the garden house.

"Do your parents know you're cutting class?" He shakes his head, "aigoo, I know your smart jungkook but you need to show it," he nods his head looking over at taehyung as he laughed slightly at her comment, jumping when she approached him, "Hello, I'm jungkook's aunt, but you can call me Ms. Lee," nodding he shakes her hand and bows his head, "n-nice to meet you Ms. Lee,"

Her gasp scared both boys again, "what happened to my dahlia!?" Jungkook pulled taehyung behind him as he told Ms. Lee what happened to the flower, her scoff shocking him, "why would you give someone whose way prettier that flower? It can be seen as an insult," she says thumping him in his head, apologizing again they both notice taehyung’s laugh, "I can bring it back to replant it," she shakes her head, "it was a gift wasn’t it jungkook?" He nods still rubbing the spot on his head, "But i honestly think you should've gave him an orchid, it is the flower of beauty and love,"

Both boys share a glance, only to look back at jungkook's aunt, "jungkook promise me that you'll tell me whenever you want to give my flowers away," nodding he moves next to taehyung, "and who bruised your face?" "My dad, we got into a fight but i'll be fine," her hum showing her dissatisfaction, "I don't know who taught that boy that it's fine to hit his kid when mad," he shrugged, her smile broke through the awkward silence, "so how long have you two been dating?"

Their shakeing heads teased her smile, "oh come on, you two were looking at each other like it was just you two in the whiole world," they shake their heads again as she sighs, "jungkook, I know you think love is stupid but you can't deny that feeling you get whenever you’re with him and away from him," he pierces his lips together getting her to smile even more, taking off her gloves and setting them on the flower table she walks towards the door, "and plus you already marked the boy, I'm sure his tan skin doesn't go pail suddenly on his neck," she says leaving the garden house knowing she got both boys to turn into a ripe tomato.

"The hickeys are still there?" He asks face palming himself, "I'm so sorry, I honestly forgot that they can last up to two weeks," looking over he noticed taehyung playing with his sleeves on his turtleneck, "was she telling the truth jungkook?" He tilted his head thinking back on the conversation, saying yes he noticed the small smile that tugged on his face, "Do you really want me that close to you? Won't you get made fun of because of me?" Shaking his head jungkook pulled taehyung to him by his arm, "who cares what people think?" "You do, you even said smart plus rich don't mix," he huffed a laugh, "But i also said that we're fine, and that was a week ago,"

"You changed in a week," "for you yes, I'd change every part of me for you," shaking his head taehyung pushes himself away, "don't do that, its not healthy, and i wouldn't want you to change," scoffing jungkook turns slightly, "thats the thing thats stupid about love, someone always wants something to change," "I just said I didn't want you to change, and stop calling love stupid you even admitted that it wasn't stupid but it's terrifying, so what makes it so damn terrifiing?"

"Everything!" He shouts backing away further, "Everything about love is terrifying, the trust, the loyalty, the promises, everything!" He says tears fighting to leave his eyes as he remembers his past relationships, the feeling of taehyung wrapping his arms around his torso made him break down further as he causes them both to fall back to the ground holding taehyung tightly, "I-I'm sorry that I'm scared t-to love," feeling his head shake he moves back, "everyone is scared to love even me," his smile erupting everything again inside jungkook as he gently took his face kissing his lips passionately, "I-I think i love you, taehyung," he whispers.

▪︎ Confession time is delicious 😋 

▪︎ This was pretty, anyway i hoped you all enjoyed, love yous

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