"Being the eldest child is both a blessing and a curse...You get to experience the hardships in life without even someone whom you can lean on but because of that, you get to learn new things on your own."

Jin slowly chuckled.

"When my parents introduced me to Jisoo, my life suddenly changed. They expect me to be the perfect role model for my little sister. At first, I didn't liked the idea of having a sister."

He breathed out, trying to hold back his tears

"When we were still kids, I even acted like she didn't exist. I got jealous that my parents always gave her what she wanted and that all of their attention were always at her. I was envious... I still couldn't forget that one incident..."

"Why? Did something happen?"

"Because of my jealousy and hatred towards her, I didn't know that she was bullied in her class. At that time, I was in highschool and Jisoo was in middle school. We were in the same school. My mother called me that time and asked me to look for Jisoo because she wouldn't answer her phone. I got annoyed because I still had soccer practice since class had already ended. I went around the building and there was no sign of her. I even cursed at her."

Jin covered his face with both his hands and this time, he was crying.

"I went to her room and heard her classmates talking about Jisoo. I asked them where she went and they told me that she was dragged out of the room by a group of students from the other class. I was so confused and then it hit me...she was being bullied and I didn't even know. I quickly ran up the stairs, heading towards the rooftop and when I opened the door. She was right there..surrounded by a group of students. 2 guys were trying to pull off her clothes while the other 3 girls were just laughing at her. The other one even recorded her. I can feel my anger rising so I quickly ran to the guys and fought them."

Jin paused for a moment and breathed in a huge amount of air before continuing.

"After the fight, my face was all bruised up but the two guy's faces looked horrible. The girls that were laughing ran away from the scene but before they did, I took the phone and threw it on the ground, making it break to pieces. I slowly stood up and went to Jisoo who was sitting on the ground. The buttons on her uniform were torn off and she was covering her chest by holding her polo together. My heart sank when I saw Jisoo crying. I couldn't believe I wasn't there for her all throughout the years. She needed me. She needed her big brother to protect her. She needed someone whom she can lean on."

My first impression of Jin was someone who is a happy-go-lucky guy. Someone who is unproblematic. But looking at him now...he looks devastated. The Jin that you see on TV is different from the Jin i'm seeing now.

"Seeing her like that, I couldn't help but give her a hug. It was the first time that I acted as a big brother to her. She held me tight with her small hands and whispered to me "Oppa, thank you for saving me". That moment, I realized that if I didn't go there and save her, the situation might've gone worst. That's why i'm very protective when it comes to her and Irene."

Jin placed his hands on top of his lap and turned his head to face me. This time, he looked serious and determined.

"We have to save her. We have to! She's the only one i've got!"

I just couldn't turn a blind eye to a person in need. Especially if that person is part of our small group.

"I promise you that we're going to save her and the others no matter what"

Aside from Jin, one person was also in my mind at that time.

I hope Jennie is doing alright. She's the only person whom I can think of right now and that reminds me...if I die or if she knows that i'm dead because of Suho, she would probably visit my grave and burn it down. The thought of her doing that to me brought shivers down my spine. I never thought a girl could make me feel this way.

I came back to my senses and then I thought that I should not act too harshly because the situation might worsen. I stood there, still trying to persuade Suho to stop what he's doing and to drop his gun and let Jisoo go. He didn't listen to me, instead he just laughed and said

"Goodbye, soldier"

I shut my eyes tight and "BANG!" I felt myself being pushed unto the floor and my back hitting hard against it "THUD!". I can feel something heavy weighing on top of me. I slowly opened my eyes and looked up.

"Jin?!" I stuttered.

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It's been awhile since I last updated huhu I'm sooo sorry for the very late update :-( My class will be starting soon :-( I'm still working on the other story and i'll release it soon 🤍

This story is going to end soon hehe please please pleaaaseee leave a comment. It would really mean a lot to me and would give me motivation to write 🤍

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