Girl vs boys

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Jay's POV
While we were in the pool I had to go back inside bc I had to get tiana's flotie

 when I walked out I saw dejuane staring at me like👀 I just laughed everyone look at me Xavair:sis what are laughed at 🤔I looked and froze Jordan:yeaJay:o nothing a funny memoryX:mhm I just put tiana in the pool and started swimming Nd then the ...

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when I walked out I saw dejuane staring at me like👀 I just laughed everyone look at me
Xavair:sis what are laughed at 🤔
I looked and froze
Jay:o nothing a funny memory
I just put tiana in the pool and started swimming Nd then the girls pulled me to the side with all the girls

Tg:what were u laughing at when u came out
Jay: dejuane he was staring at me when I came out he looked like he saw a ghost 😂
We all died of laughter all the boys were looking at us with a confused face 🤔

Jay:let's go inside and eat something
Once I got inside I rushed into my room with Mya and tiana when i got in my room i decided to tease dejuane

Jay:let's go inside and eat something All:ok Once I got inside I rushed into my room with Mya and tiana when i got in my room i decided to tease dejuane

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