Chapter Six

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"What are you doing here, Hirohiko-San?" (F/N) cried in alarm as she took in the familiar figure. "Are you hurt? Did you fall too? Did anything happen?"

Hirohiko had long released his grip on Daichi's neck and was ready to meet (F/N)'s panicked barrage of questions. He straightened and gave an amused smile.

"I am perfectly fine, (F/N)."

"Are you certain?" Her eyes frantically scanned over the man for signs of injury.

Hirohiko chuckled. "Yes. I would think myself aware of my own bodily condition."

"That's good..." She relaxed and gave an amiable smile, a smile that sent slight shivers down Hirohiko's spine.

"Daichi." (F/N) turned to the young boy. Gently she knelt in front of him, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Are you alright?"

Daichi flinched at the initial contact. It sparked concern in (F/N)'s eyes. The boy cast an uncertain gaze at the tall man that stood by (F/N)'s side. Red eyes pierced the darkness, locking Daichi's gaze in a death grip. The man gave Daichi a cold smile, one that did not reach his eyes.

It was a warning. Daichi's hands reflexively went to his neck.

The boy must tell (F/N) what had just transpired between him and the person she so warmly called Hirohiko...There was no doubt there was something very dangerous lying under that welcoming guise of a man.

Daichi resolved he had to tell Kamado-San. Just not now. Not when he was looking.

"I'm fine, Kamado-San." He plastered on what he hoped was a convincing smile.


The trio made their way out of the tunnel. By the time they hit fresh air, it was already deep into the night.

The sky was not so dark as a touch of light from a distantly approaching dawn had already begun appearing. Silvery gray clouds rolled lazily in the muddled darkness, illuminated occasionally by the moon. The wind smelled like summer and pulled a powerful sense of nostalgia from (F/N)'s heart. The stars in the night sky twinkled like gems in the deep sea. The crickets had already begun their cacophony of song, aware that the mysterious entity that dwelled in the well was now put to peace.

(F/N) noticed there were footprints on the mud bordering the clearing. They looked human enough. She suspected it was Daichi's worried parents. The group must have just missed them.

They began their way back to Daichi's village.

It was difficult to navigate the bramble covered path in the darkness even under the guidance of the moonlight. Daichi, a native to the land, had trouble as well, though (F/N) mainly attributed it to his injured leg.

She had told him it was perfectly fine to lean against her if he was having trouble walking. The boy hastily turned down the offer. At the time, (F/N) was curious over his quick denial for her help but now, she was grateful. The adrenaline from the fight had worn off, leaving her very much aware of the jarring pain in her ribs. (F/N) was fatigued and mentally worn. She could not move too quickly without sending a teeth-rattling agony throughout her torso.

(F/N) walked slower than the other two. She occasionally paused to grasp her breath. She tried to be subtle in hiding her discomfort.

"You're hurt." Hirohiko fell in beside her.

She winced, not from pain but from the ease at which she was found out. Perhaps she was not as subtle as she thought she was.

"It's just a few scratches," (F/N) lied. "They'll heal soon."

Crafted by Fate  (Muzan X Reader Insert: Kimetsu No Yaiba)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora