natural •prologue

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𝔸𝕚𝕣 𝕎𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔼𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕙 𝔽𝕚𝕣𝕖


Ruyi, I want to show you something." He dragged his love up the stairs until they reached to the highest point that overlooked the city of Omashu. Ruyi found it breathtaking. She could see the people: men, women and children. The sun was her favorite part as it was about to hide beyond the horizon.

Nothing blocked the sky, no bird or cloud. Ruyi sat, watched the sun.

"Beautiful." Ruyi smiles and nods in agreement. She turned her head to see her love not looking at the sun, but at her instead. He smiles at the beautiful girl and takes her hand in his, kissing the ring on her fourth finger. The ring he gave her. The promise to make her his wife one day.

Ruyi turns away, embarrassed.

"I love you, Ruyi." Fuheng confessed. Ruyi turned her head to look at him. She didn't say anything. A smile slowly crept on her lips and she wrapped her arms around his body. His arms found themselves around her and held his love close. It felt like home. Home...


Ruyi walked beside her friend. They covered their faces well as they walked through the market in the Fire Nation.

"This way." Mingmei whispers and leads Ruyi into an alleyway. They travelled a while more before finally ending up to their desired destination. The beach. The two girl ditched the hoods and dug their feet in the warm sand. Mingmei sat down and took a breath of relief.

"Finally some space." She mutters and enjoyed the cool breeze.

"I still don't get why we had to wear the capes." Ruyi says and joins her friend by sitting. Mingmei laid down with her arms under her head and shuts her eyes.

"How else were we suppose to ditch my guards?" She asks rhetorically.

"It's for your protection, remember Mei."

"Well, when your father is the governor and over protective, you tend to feel suffocated by so many people around you rather than feeling protected."

"He wishes to spoil his favorite daughter." Ruyi teases. Mingmei let's out a 'HA' and rolls her eyes.

"Yeah, before marrying me off to someone he picks. No, thanks you. I've seen the marriages of the elder sisters, not happy ones, by the way. Besides, I've already made out my mind. I'll get never marry, instead I will travel all over the world." Mingmei says. Ruyi looks away to the water. She was sad for her friend and Mingmei saw that. She leans over and shoves Ruyi lightly. "Don't feel bad for me, Ballerina. It's better this way."

Didn't say anything else. She did see the smile on her friend. It assured her that everything was going to be ok for her.


The Northern Water Tribe was too cold for Ruyi's liking, but she didn't mind the trip when she spent time with two of the natives. Dong threw the first snowball that managed to hit Ruyi's arm. Ruyi retaliated and aimed for the head. She used her air-bending to make it go fast and knock Dong backwards into his pile of snow.

"Hey, we agreed to no bending!" Dong yells, his voice squeaking just a little. Ruyi clutches her side from laughing too much. She went for another snowball.

"Look!" Dong calls, pointing behind Ruyi, but she wasn't going to fall for it. That was, until she heard talking from behind her. Ruyi turns her head to the side to see the Northern Water Tribe prince and Qiuyue. The prince pulls outside a rose, which was rare in the tribes due to the cold. Qiuyue blushes and takes the rose.

"My sister, snagging the prince up." Dong teases and wraps his arm around Ruyi's shoulder. Ruyi elbows his chest.

"I'm gonna prank them." Dong whispers and starts the waterbends to slowly circle around the couple.

"Don't you dare." Ruyi whispers.

"Why not?"

"Because..." With no other words, Ruyi airbent snow into Dong's face and quickly ran off. Dong yelled after her and proceeded to chase his friend.


Aang sped on his new move, the air scooter, around Ruyi as he showed it off. He felt proud of his new game as he raced his friends. Ruyi smiles as she watches Aang speed on walls. The other younger airbenders who mastered the air scooter followed Aang. Ruyi stayed behind and watched carefully.

"You are not joining them, child?" A voice asks from behind Ruyi. She turns around to see her mentor and friend. She smiles and bows from the waist in respect.

"Nun Bhuti." The elderly woman smiles and stretches her hand out.

"Come along, child. Let us enjoy a cup of tea and music." Ruyi follows Nun Bhuti to the room that held instruments of every kind. She saw a xiao flute hanging on the wall. The guqin was set up and Ruyi ran her fingers along the strings, allowing it to softly play.

"Play something for me, let me see how much you have improved." Ruyi nods and and sits with the guqin in front of her. She stung the strings to make music. Nun Bhuti pouring two cup of tea and listened carefully. To the end of her playing Ruyi stood and walks back to sit in front of her friend.

"You are close to mastering all string instruments here. What will you learn next?" Nun Bhuti asks before sipping her tea.

"The yangqin is the last one. I'll move onto flutes next. I hope you can teach me xiao flute."

"Of course I can. My, look at you." Nun Bhuti stood up from her seat and went over grab her flute from the wall before bringing it back. "When you first came into my care, a few days after finding out your brother was the Avatar, the first thing you took a liking to was my xiao flute..."

Nun Bhuti held it out to Ruyi to grab it. Carefully, she took it and held it. She admired the details.

"One day, I'll have a special surprise made for you. The day you master the xiao flute."

Ruyi smiles and jumps up from her seat to go and sit beside her mentor. She leaned into her and hugged her. Nun Bhuti laughs gently. Everything was alright.

Except for Aang...

Who was just told he was the Avatar.


Natural •Avatar: The Last AirbenderWhere stories live. Discover now