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Okay, Janis. I lied. Protecting your heart isn't most important. Yeah, it's important, but there's a holy trinity of important things. These ones are actually the most important, I swear. (also take a shot everytime i say important)

Never break character, protect your head, and duck.

Protecting your head just gets more attention because we have personal beef.

A.k.a I never do it.

Okay back to ducking.

Being able to act fast and duck and cover in a split second, could be the split second between a bullet in you or not.

Just saying.

You have to always be on your toes. Duck down, hide behind a corner, or even just turn around to hide your face. When triple H knows your location, the mission automatically gets ten times harder.

It's April and flower business is picking up again. We get few customers in the winter, then work overtime February 13th, and then nothing. But it's spring, and people wanna start gardens.

I'm walking to work, chewing on the last of a bagel Damian made for me. He doesn't have to go into work for another hour, but he still gets up to get ready with me.

I'm walking through the wooded areas before town. It's the only place I really feel like I can think. The trees have grown new green leaves, some with small flowers on them. It's a beautiful day.

I'm wearing a hoodie, and I think it's Damian's but it got in my laundry so fuck him its mine now. Is it soft, okay?

I zoned out, listening to the birds chirp constantly. It was days like this where I remind myself how much I love walking around. There's two people walking in my direction, but the sun is behind them and their faces are shadows. They're looking at eachother and dont see me, but I hear them.

"Veronica, I think you've got it wrong."

I know that voice.

Trench Coat dude .

My agent skills kick in and I duck behind a tree and adrenaline courses through my body.

Why are they here.

What the fuck.

"No JD, I saw the website. He's in this town. It looked like him, okay. I just don't know where the goddamn theater is."

The theater? Who's on what websi-


My heart falls to my stomach.

No .

"The guy we're looking for is Damian Hubbard . This dude is Damian Leigh. He looks like a bad hollister model." Trench Coat dude pushes.

"Well we could check it out and confirm our suspicions if we could just find the damn theater!"

They walk past the tree I'm behind and begin to walk towards housing. I need to get home, I need to get to Damian. While Trench Coat and blue chic (Veronica and JD?) might be walking in the opposite direction from the theater, they're walking right to Maple Court.

I step out from behind the tree and lift the hood from the sweater over my head. I pop in my earbuds but don't play music and get into character.

I'm gonna run past them like just some random person going for a jog. I'll look down as I pass and they won't get a chance to see my face. Or maybe I'll walk, I'm too lazy to run.

protect your head and maybe your heart tooTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon