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Love was very much something that Lorelei Rosier did not understand. What was it that made butterflies erupt in your stomach whenever that certain someone looked your way? Or the blush that forces its way upon your cheeks when someone teases you with regard to that specific individual. People say that being in love is the best feeling in the world, that it's all consuming and takes over your mind. That somehow, that one person had the ability to breakdown all your strongly built walls, and worm their way into your every thought.

Lorelei could confirm this, though it didn't change the fact that she hated it. She had never experienced this type of affection growing up, and that severely affected her perception of the feeling during her time at Hogwarts. So when she found herself falling for Ron Weasley, she was shocked to say the least.

She just couldn't help loving the way his tousled, messy hair fell over his forehead, or how his crystal blue eyes lit up with laughter whenever he was around his friends.

But, the world never seemed to be on Lorelei's side considering the fact that Ron Weasley hated her, or more so hated Slytherins, but she fell into that category nonetheless so she was no exception.

Perhaps her relation to a wicked Death Eater was reason enough for him to steer clear of the girl, but clearly that did not stop her from admiring him from afar.

Harry Potter -or The Chosen One as he was now called- did not share the same disposition as his best mate, but there was no denying the hesitation in Harry's eyes every time he shot Lorelei a quick smile in the corridors.

Lorelei was determined to make this her year. The moment she stepped off the Hogwarts express over the summer, she knew that her fifth year would be splendid. Or at least that's what she liked to think. Only so much could go right for someone who was clumsier than a drunk chicken on roller skates.

Needless to say, when she arrived at Platform 9 3/4 on September first, she was confident as ever; That lasted about ten seconds after she found herself sprawled out on the ground after she had walked straight into someone.

When she looked up to see the reason for her ass currently taking a seat on the cobblestone, the only thing that could come out of her mouth was, "Fuck."

Her eyes went as wide as saucers as she mentally cursed the universe for giving her such awful luck.

Lo and behold, Ronald fucking Weasley standing before her, giving her a look that made Lorelei wish the ground would swallow her up in that moment.

He didn't even spare her another glance as he stalked off, Harry and Hermione trailing behind him and they both sent her pitiful looks. She could have even sworn she heard Hermione scolding him for his rude behavior, but that must've just been her hearing things.

"So much for starting the year off right," Lorelei muttered to herself.

Climbing aboard the train, she scowered the halls in search of an empty compartment, but to no avail did she find an empty space. She passed by Malfoy and his posse, but Lorelei wasn't in the particular mood to listen to Draco drawl about how much he hated Harry Potter.

After wandering the halls for nearly twenty minutes, she had still not found anywhere she desired to stay for the next 7 hours.

As Lorelei quietly muttered angry curses to herself, she almost missed the dreamy voice that came from the compartment she was passing.

"What was that?" she asked, after she snapped her head up.

"I asked if you wanted to sit with us." the dream like voice answered. The girl in question had long, knotted blonde hair that laid in tangles down her back, while her wide silvery blue eyes bored into Lorelei.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2020 ⏰

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