Chapter 4

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Mariana had not returned back to the mansion until after the scores had been announced but she and President Snow still had a conversation about her attending the scoring. "How did you like it?" President Snow asked as he twisted a rose in between his thumb and index finger. 

"It was fun. Most of the game makers were receptive when it came to listening to my ideas and comments," Mariana replied as she took a seat on the tufted chair across from President Snow's darkly stained desk. 

"Most?" A raised eyebrow followed his question as his dark eyes looked up, staring directly at Mariana, waiting for an answer. 

"Some needed convincing but Galloway seemed to be enthralled with my ideas so the others who had concerns quickly fell in line," the young girl explained. 

"They shouldn't have to look to Galloway to fall in line. Mariana, if you don't strike fear into their hearts by now how am I to be assured that your rule will be as structured as mine?" His question was rhetorical, Mariana knew that by now, but still she felt the need to defend herself. Although she wanted to speak up, her voice was held back as she dug her nails into the wooden arms of the chair. The familiar dents seemed to become apart of the elegant carvings as they perfectly fit her cuticles. 

"What do you think could help you become as feared a leader as me?" President Snow asked, genuinely curious. 

"I just believe it to be the fact that I am not like them, President Snow," Mariana told the man honestly. 

"You know I don't like excuses," President Snow tutted at her. 

"I understand that President Snow, but I do believe it's probably because of my age, sex, and race. They are all older white men who have relied on nepotism to get their jobs and status. While you had to work hard to get where you are, they see you as a familiar, someone that they can relate to. I am as unimportant to them as a gnat," Mariana explained. 

"Dearest Mariana, you have to realize that no matter how true that may be, if you only see yourself as less than them, you will never hold power over them," President Snow told the girl something he had said dozens of times, knowing that she needed her confidence to be unmatched to successfully become the next in line for his title. 

"I understand sir, though at this point I'm not sure how to make them as fearful of me as they are of you without outright threatening them and torturing at least one of them to get across that I am serious," Mariana admitted. 

"And we know that will never do because then they could bring you on charges, which would benefit none. Though from the intel that I gathered earlier, it seemed as though when you were speaking with the game makers on different topics of weapons that some seemed to be taken aback," President Snow mentioned before placing the rose down on his desk and looking directly at Mariana. "You need to speak with them more, let them know your thought processes." 

Mariana understood. While no threat would ever be made, to imply her creativity with death and torture would only benefit the teen. "Thank you, President Snow, for speaking with me. I will be sure to use your advice." And with that, the teen was dismissed to her room. 

"Hello Kaine. Remi," Mariana greeted as she walked into the room. The two nodded their heads in response as their form of hello before walking to her side, ready to help the young girl get ready for bed. 

"Today was interesting. I got to help score the tributes which made me, at least I think, look more intelligent than annoying to most of the game makers," the curly haired girl began as the avoxes brought her to the water basin set up for her to wash her face. "Though I need to be more than just intelligent to those men. I need to be powerful and in charge," she further explained as Remi placed a head wrap around her face to keep her hair from getting water on it. 

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