That was a mistake. The brief second that her eyes were closed, she managed to crash right into the tree on Mai and Zuko's front lawn.

"Oops!" Ty Lee laughed off the fact that she had just crashed her car into a tree.

A loud bang resonated from the house as Zuko kicked open the front door to see what just happened. Mai followed after hearing Zuko yelling.

"What the fuck!" Zuko said as he ran up to the van. "What's wrong with you two?!"

"Oh Zuzu," Azula said as she tapped on Zuko's head with the bottle of wine. "We're going to Denny's, get in the van."

The voice of Mai sounded from behind Zuko. "Denny's?"

Azula nodded her head, smiling with wide teeth.

"Oh hell yeah," Mai said as she walked towards the car. "Zuko get in, we're gonna get some pancakes."

After 10 minutes of trying to coax Zuko to get into the car, Mai was fed up and just carried him in.

"No! What if they kill us?!" Zuko yelled as Mai threw him into the van. "They're clearly drunk!"

"Shut up, I want pancakes."

And so Ty Lee got the car out of the tree. Miraculously the car was still in working condition, so she brushed the crash off.

"Ty Lee, give me your phone, I wanna listen to music." Mai said as she put an arm around Zuko, who was shaking in fear that Ty Lee would crash the car again.

Ty Lee took out her phone and started checking Twitter while driving.

"Get off Twitter! You're driving!" Zuko yelled as he kicked Ty Lee's seat.

When she was done she closed out Twitter and handed the phone to Mai. "Here ya go!"

Hooking up the phone to the car speakers, Mai went on YouTube to find music.

"We're going to pick up Sokka and Katara next?" Azula said as she turned to Ty Lee, who was accelerating the car to 60 miles per hour while they were on a surface street.

"Yeah, Aang is on vacation so he's not there to stop them from going with us!" Ty Lee giggled as she drank the last of the wine.

Then Crazy Frog by Axel F started playing.

"What the fuck Mai."

"Shut up, I like this song."

Zuko thought he was in hell.

After the song finished, Azula yanked the phone from Mai. "Yeah, you don't get music privileges."

Instead of giving the phone to another person in the car, Azula disconnected it and just turned on the radio.

"Next up is a song for you crazy couples!" The person on the radio said before the song Livin' la Vida Loca started playing.

"Oh god no." Zuko said before immediately jamming his fingers into his ears. "Not again."

Right on cue, Azula and Ty Lee started singing along, loudly. Ty Lee was slurring half the lyrics, and was dancing in her seat, swerving the car every time she moved her arms.

"Her lips are devil red and her skin's the color mocha!" Ty Lee hiccuped, causing her to accidentally slam the gas pedal.

Mai sat there in physical pain.

"Once you've had a taste of her you'll never be same!"

"Yeah she'll make you go insane!"

Zuko looked like he was going to have an anxiety attack, and Mai didn't blame him.

"I'm too straight for this." Mai said as she held Zuko closer, trying to comfort him. "Hey, hey, it's okay, it'll be over soon."

The song eventually ended, and Zuko opened his eyes for what felt like the first time in hours.

"I-It's over?" Zuko asked as he took his head out of his knees.

"Yeah, it's over," Mai shivered, "I hope that never happens again."

"Next up is the choir cover of I Touch Myself!" The radio boomed.

The car stayed quiet until the song ended.

"What a ride." Mai sighed as she brought her arms back to her lap.

"Turn right here, their house is the one that looks too clean for the neighborhood." Azula said as she read the label on the now empty wine bottle.

As Ty Lee barely pulled into the driveway of the house without running anything over, she rolled down the window and yelled. "We're here! Come out!"

A few minutes later, Sokka and Katara came out of the house looking like a mess.

"You two look awful." Azula commented.

"We just woke up. Sokka had a crazy party last night." Katara yawned as she climbed into the back of the van, helping Sokka in.

"Whatever, we're going to Denny's." Mai said as she closed the door behind them.

Within minutes, Katara and Sokka we're asleep again, and Zuko wished he could just sleep through the car ride too.


You know there's no way they reached Denny's in one piece right? Ty Lee fell asleep at the wheel and ran over 5 people and Azula was too excited for pancakes to care. Ty Lee and Azula got arrested for DUI and hit and run, and Sokka and Katara were just stuck asleep in the car while Zuko and Mai drove them back to their house.

"I'm never going in a car again."

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