John pulled back enough that I could flip around. "Hey, son. Just uh, getting more acquainted with your girlfriend here."

"No.. Dean.." I tried to speak.

"Are you serious?! I'm gone for a few days and this is what I come home to?!" Dean demanded.

"Now come on Dean.." John chuckled like it was nothing.

"No, please... Dean it's not like that." I cried and shoved away from John and moved toward him.

"Y/n, I swear, I can't even... Wait, why are you crying? What's going on?" His tone changed as he saw my tears.

I got to him and took a deep breath.

John spoke first, "She's very attractive, Dean. I was getting to know her more is all."

Dean looked back at me, "What does that mean?"

"He just... wouldn't stop. He wouldn't listen. He kept trying to push onto me. I.. just.." The tears stopped my explanation.

His eyes went soft looking down at me, "Baby, go to our room." He touched my arm slightly.

I saw the underlying rage building behind his sadness for me. "Dean, he's drunk." I whispered.

He cupped my face in his hand, "I know. Go to our room, and wait for me okay?"

I nodded before walking just out of view in the hall and stood there to listen.

"Are you kidding me? You come onto my girlfriend while I'm gone? Why?! And she said you wouldn't stop? What were you going to do?!" Dean yelled. He never yells at his dad.

"I was just getting to know her, I told you that. She's very pretty, and I was letting her know that."

"By forcing yourself on her?! God, what has gotten into you?!" Dean was pissed.

"Don't be so dramatic." John said sounding annoyed. He was wasted and slurring slightly.

"Dramatic?! I walked in on you feeling her up, and she didn't want it! That's not alright! I'm not being dramatic, I'm standing up for my girlfriend here."

"Oh, boo hoo, she will be just fine, Dean. I didn't touch the damn girl." John tried blowing it off.

"You were! You had her forced down, and God knows what you would've done to her if I hadn't gotten back when I did. I swear don't you come near her again. She's 100% off limits at all times. Understand me?!" I've never heard Dean stand up to his dad about anything.

I heard enough. I went over to our room and sat on the bed. I pulled my knees up to my chest and just started thinking.

God, what if Dean hadn't come back? What would John have actually done? Would he have taken it as far as he was making it sound like he would? How could anybody do this to someone?

All I ever did was try to be nice to him because he's Dean's dad. But now? I'm done. And I feel like I need a shower.

Dean came in and took one look at me still shedding tears, and his face was filled with nothing but sadness. He shut the door and locked it before coming over to me.

He put an arm around me and kissed the side of my head. "I'm sorry, Y/n, baby. I'm sorry he would ever do that shit to you. And I'm even more sorry that at first I thought something else was going on."

I shook my head, "I know, Dean. I know what it had to look like coming from the outside. I swear... I didn't want it."

He touched my face gently, tilting it so I was looking up at him then put his forehead against mine. "I know, baby. I know that you wouldn't. I'm sorry my dad did that to you. I feel like I could kill him. If he ever comes near you again I just might."

In the morning Dean wouldn't leave my side, especially when lunch time rolled around and John got up.

He looked extremely hungover. "Dean. Y/n." He started to say.

Dean put his arm out and pushed me behind him, staring at his dad with that serious threatening glare.

"Dean, come on, whatever I did. It can't be that bad."

Dean laughed and shook his head. "You trying to tell me you don't remember what I came home to last night? You're going to play the 'I was too drunk' card? Really?"

Good God, Dean was pissed. His voice was laced with venom. I stayed where Dean put me, leaning my head against his shoulder blade.

It was silent for a minute, they must've just been staring at each other. "Dean, I really was drunk. I don't know what else you want me to say."

"How about you apologize for trying to force yourself on my damn girlfriend? How about you give me one damn good reason why you would ever force your hands onto her, and make her cry? How about you give me a reason not to punch your face?! Or tell me what would've happened if I hadn't come home?!"

I peaked around Dean, John looked honestly confused and startled; as if he didn't know what Dean was talking about.

Even if he didn't remember it, it doesn't give him a free pass.

Dean huffed, annoyed at his father's silence. John looked at me, then Dean as it sank it what his son was talking about. Maybe he was remembering it? Even part of it? "Wait... I felt up your girlfriend? Y/n... I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. I'm having a little trouble understanding what happened, or why I would do that to you."

"You and me both." Dean snarled at him.

"Y/n, I really am sorry. I would never do that if I were clear minded. I don't know what happened, or why. But I'm truly sorry." John tried to look at me, moving a little closer.

Dean shifted, staying between us.

"Come on, son. I'm not going to hurt the girl. I want to apologize."

Dean shook his head, standing his ground. "That's fine and dandy, but you're not to come near her, or be alone with her ever again."

This one was a tough one. It was a dream I had one night, and I built it up from there. The idea that John would actually do it is crazy. But I also imagine Dean wouldn't be this calm if something like this happened to his girlfriend.

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